
Your personal bookmark manager.


I have had A LOT of bookmarks (around 400+). My biggest problem is, I have lost the context on why I saved this bookmark. Classification under folders and with hashtags do help you to organize, but I still felt the need to add more context to it. Also, I feel like the source from which the bookmark originated also matters a lot as it will help to create a better context.


  • Bookmarks
  • Tags
  • Lists
  • Sources
  • Multi users
  • Search
  • Import/Export

Tech Stack

  • Backend: Django
  • Frontend: React [TODO]
  • Database: Postgres [TODO]


  • Add/Edit/Delete a bookmark
  • Add/Edit/Delete a list
  • Add/Edit/Delete a tag
  • Add/Edit/Delete a source
  • Add/Edit/Delete a user
  • Add Oauth support
  • Implement fuzzy search
  • Add import/export functionality via existing HTML bookmarks
  • Add import/export functionality via JSON
  • Add auto-tagging functionality via text analysis (OpenAI API to the rescue)
  • Graph visualization of bookmarks (better context)
  • Add a chrome extension to add bookmarks directly from the browser
  • Dockerize the app