This is the Mobile App Design for local pizza store for listing store’s pizzas using Figma. This design basically uses some of essential features of Figma like horizontal scroll,prototyping,vertical scroll,hovering etc. Pizza App Design consists of
- 1.A Auth page(Login page - Name ,Password)
- 2.A sign in page(Name ,Password ,Confirm Password)
- 3.After sign in and login the App shows a home page where switching of dark mode and light mode can be done.
- 4.Home page shows the list of pizzas by horizontal scrolling and the price of the pizzas by hovering on it.And there is also a pizza gallery in the home page.
- 5.You can add a pizza to cart by hovering on pizza and can view the cart items by clicking the cart icon on the bottom navigation bar.
- 6.In the cart section there will be a payment option.When you click on the pay option you will navigate to a payment page with details of your order and you have to - enter the details of your payment card.
- 7.In this process you to switch to dark mode or light mode whenever needed.
- Link to the design -
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