
This is a python script that tweets available slots on the Cowin website for 18+ age range. This uses the Cowin Public APIs.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is a python script that tweets available slots on the Cowin website for 18+ age range. This uses the Cowin Public APIs.

The Twitter handle of the Bot: @Cowin_Notifier


  • Find any open slots in any district and tweet important information.
  • Runs 24/7 and updates at an interval of 1 hour.


  1. Clone the repo or download manually.
git clone https://github.com/shubhayu-64/Cowin-Notifier.git
  1. Move to cloned/downloaded directory cd Cowin-Notifier
  2. Run pip install requirements.txt
  3. Update config.py with your Twitter API credentials.
  4. Start the script by python main.py


Profile Image

  • Tweets posted.

Tweets Image

  • Terminal of the script

Terminal Image


Since Cowin APIs are Geo-fenced, it might be difficult to get responses if hosted somewhere else.

I have hosted in my Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ with my local network. This solved the issue for me.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, feel free to open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


MIT © Shubhayu Majumdar

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Made with ❤️ and Python