
Mr Vimal Daga a WORLD RECORD HOLDER initiated with a community named as IIEC under which he started giving online training of some courses for students like us and the course was totally free of cost. Of one of them courses was Docker of which he took 7 sessions And one session was introductory. After successfully completing the course I implemented the knowledge of that training by creating this project.

1.Description about the Project:

My project is basically upon deployment of a website/webapp in one click. It consists of a website on which anybody can blog and everybody connected to the same server can see the the blog of that person

  • Used javascript for the blog
  • Used for MySQL for database management
  • Used Ghost for web applications
  • Ghost is a free and open source blogging platform written in JavaScript 100M+

2.Pre-requisites for the system:

  • RHEL 8 should be installed in your system
  • Any OS can be used
  • Must have Docker software installed in your system
  • Should be known to some basic linux commands for ease of operation
  • Use systemctl stop firewalld
  • Use systemctl start Docker for starting Docker services in your system

3.For the images in the project:

  • Pulling MySQL Image:
    • For downloading the mysql version 5.6 image, apply this code docker pull mysql:5.6 for using this as a database server.
  • Pulling ghost os Image:
    • For downloading the ghost Image, apply this code docker pull ghost:1-alpine in which apache server is already preconfigured.

4. For MySQL:

  • Use yum install mysql for installing My SQL Client Software and through their you can have a check on your MySQL database

5. Docker_Compose:

  • Before using Docker-Compose you should install the software. For reference go to this website : https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/

  • You can create and edit this file using vim editor. For that use vim docker-compose.yml. Remember the file name should always be docker-compose.yml


Every version has a different form of syntax


During starting the compose file, use the term services to check the specific things that runs


docker volume is used to make the data permanent because in docker when we terminate a container then whole data gets vanished inside that container docker create volume [volume name]


We use depends_on because nextcloud uses MySQL database server for storing the data


  • Complete the setup using 'docker-compose up`
  • After that use docker-compose start

7. Use of Docker_Compose_Down command

  • Use docker-compose down command for stopping the containers

Great Regards to my mentor Vimal Daga Sir for completion of this project