
BDMedMate is Open Source offline drug index for Android aims to cover all medicines in the world.Currently it only includes Bangladeshi Medicine Database. NOTE : This is my hobby project. I made it to learn and experiment with Jetpack Compose. This code is not much structured.

Primary LanguageKotlin


BDMedMate is Open Source offline drug index Android aims to cover all medicines in the world.

Currently Covered medicine database:

1. Bangladesh : (Based on Open Source Database)[https://github.com/WSAyan/medicinedb]

Native Android Application . Following things are used to build this Application:

  • Design Pattern : MVVM with Clean Architecture
  • Database : Room Database mapped from existing raw SQLite Database
  • UI : Jetpack Compose
  • Dependency Injection : Hilt
  • Supported Themes : Dark , Light

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