
Code for http://dcase.community/challenge2021/task-few-shot-bioacoustic-event-detection

Primary LanguagePython



Code for http://dcase.community/challenge2021/task-few-shot-bioacoustic-event-detection

Most files are originally based on the provided deep learning baseline.

Usage is "almost" the same.

Config parameters


Parameter What does it do
resample If true, resample all audio files to the specified sampling rate. Must be run before the other steps.
features_train If true, extract features for training set.
features_eval If true, extract features for validation set.
train If true, train models.
get_probs If true, get event probabilities for the validation set.
eval If true, evaluate trained models based on previously extracted probabilities.
n_runs How many models to train and evaluate. Note: Will crash if trying to evaluate more models than are available.


Parameter What does it do
root_dir Convenience path to directory so that other paths can be relative. Strictly speaking not necessary.
train_dir Path to the downloaded, unpacked training data.
eval_dir Path to the downloaded, unpacked validation data.
feat_path Directory where features will be extracted to (or are assumed to be found in).
feat_train Directory with training features.
feat_eval Directory with validation features.
model Directory where trained models are stored.
best_model Base name to use for best result of a single training run.
last_model Base name to use for the final result of a single training run.
results Directory where evaluation results are stored.


Parameter What does it do
type What kind of preprocessing is done. Several are available.
seg_len Length of a data "segment", in seconds. Depending on other parameters, this exact size may not be achievable.
hop_seg Hop size between consecutive segments. Again, the exact hop size may not be achievable.
fmax Maximum frequency to use for mel spectrogram. Probably want to keep this at sr // 2.
sr Sampling rate to use for the data. All data is resampled to this rate.
n_fft Window size for STFT.
n_mels Number of mel frequency bins to use.
hop_mel Hop size for the STFT extraction.
time_constant PCEN argument.
gain PCEN argument. In case of trainable PCEN, serves as the initial value.
bias PCEN argument. In case of trainable PCEN, serves as the initial value.
power PCEN argument. In case of trainable PCEN, serves as the initial value.
eps PCEN argument. In case of trainable PCEN, serves as the initial value.
center If true, pad half a window size at the beginning and end of the data such that frames are "centered" and not left-aligned.
use_negative Number of negative segments to extract per recording in the training set. Can be all in which case all training audio is extracted as negative examples.


Parameter What does it do
n_shot Size of support set per class per episode.
n_query Size of query set per class per episode.
k_way How many classes to use per episode. Classes are randomly chosen each iteration; remaining data is discarded. 0 uses all classes.
lr Initial learning rate for Adam.
scheduler_gamma Multiplication factor for learning rate decrease.
patience How many epochs to wait with no validation improvement before reducing learning rate. 3 times this value is used for early stopping.
epochs Maximum number of epochs to train.
test_split Experimental: Name of subset to use as held-out set during training.
binary If true, each episode one class is randomly chosen as "positive" and all others receive a "negative" label.
cycle_binary If true, binary training will cycle through classes in each batch, picking each class as positive once and averaging results. No effect if binary is false.
label_smoothing Apply this amount of label smoothing to the cross-entropy loss.


Parameter What does it do
dims Can be 1 or 2. If 2, view input spectrograms as an image with one channel and do 2D convolution. If 1, view it as a time series with many input channels and do 1D convolution.
preprocess Only used if features.type is raw. In that case, this gives the preprocessing layer used by the model.
pool all, freqs, time or none. Respective dimensions are summarized via global max pooling.
distance_fn Which distance function to use between embeddings and prototypes.


Parameter What does it do
samples_neg How many samples to use for the negative prototype.
iterations How many iterations to average the predictions over.
query_batch_size Well?
negative_batch_size Guess what.
thresholding absolute or relative. The latter is very bad, lol.
lowest_thresh Lowest threshold to evaluate with.
highest_thresh Hmmmm.
thresh_step Hmmmmmmmm.