

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Step 1: Go to the event webpage at https://chimerax22.vercel.app/ You must login from here to reach your dashboard and complete your registration process. If you wish to sign up with us using a different email, then continue to step 2, otherwise move on to step 3 if you have logged in using your Google account.

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Step 2: Sign up by entering your email id and a password of your choice. Make sure not to forget the password you set, it will be necessary for logging in for completion of registration process as well as for the quiz.

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Step 3: For all new users who sign up, they will see this form which must be filled with care and caution, as all communication from ISTE MANIT will be done through the information entered here. Make sure to fill the city where your college exits.

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Step 4: Select whether you wish to play as an individual lone wolf or in a team. If you wish to play as a team continue to step 5, otherwise go to step 8.

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Step 5: If you wish to play in a team, your team leader must search for their comrade, and send them an invitation. 2 people from the same team must have college in the same city. (Note: Your team-mate's name will be visible only after he/she has also logged in/signed up, following the steps above)

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Step 6: You can see all the invitations you have received and accepted in the sent and received tabs on the right hand side of the page.

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Step 7: Accept the invitation of your teammate. Remember that accepting an invitation will make your choice of playing in a team permanent. So accept any received invitations with caution. The member who sends the invitation becomes the Team Leader and the other member who accepts the invitation becomes the Team Helper.

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Step 8: Set your team name, whether individual or in a team, you will be referred to by your team name. This step and here on must be done by the team leader only, including the payment. Agree to the terms and conditions of ISTE SC MANIT.

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Step 9: And finally proceed to payment and pay the registration fee of 100 INR and you will be set to take part in ChimeraX.

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Step 10: Finally you will reach to your test page where you can read instructions and follow them in Quiz. ISTE wishes you the best of luck from here onwards.

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