
A web-based application to streamline and manage the hiring process. It allows administrators to oversee the interview process, track applicant statuses, and analyze interview trends. This project uses React for the frontend, Django for the backend, and includes several powerful libraries for state management, testing, charts, notifications, and calendar scheduling.


  • Admin login for secure access.
  • Manage the hiring process, including interview scheduling, offer stage, and hiring date.
  • Track and update applicant statuses.
  • Visualize hiring trends with interactive charts.
  • View statistics such as the number of applicants per job role and average time trends.
  • Real-time notifications for admin actions.
  • Calendar integration for scheduling interviews.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: React, Tailwind CSS
  • Backend: Django, Django REST-framework, CORS-Headers
  • State Management: Redux


  • Admin Login: Access the admin panel to manage applicants.
  • Tracking Applicants: View job roles, interview status, and scheduling information.
  • Scheduling Interviews: Use the calendar to set interview dates.
  • Analyzing Data: Utilize charts to track hiring trends, such as average time to hire and applicant numbers per job role.

Frontend Libraries

The frontend of the application leverages several libraries:

  • @reduxjs/toolkit: For state management across React components.
  • @testing-library/react: For testing React components.
  • chart.js & react-chartjs-2: To create interactive charts for data visualization.
  • moment: For date manipulation (consider replacing with date-fns due to maintenance issues).
  • react-big-calendar: For scheduling interviews with a calendar interface.
  • react-icons: For easily adding icons.
  • react-redux: For connecting Redux with React components.
  • react-router-dom: For routing and navigation within the app.
  • react-toastify: For displaying notifications.
  • react-scripts: Scripts for building and running the app.

Backend Setup

The backend is built using Django and includes:

  • Django REST Framework: To build the API that connects to the frontend.
  • cors-headers: To handle Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for development.

Hosted Web App

You can view the live version of the Hiring Process Management by visiting the following link: Hiring Process Management