
100xdevs cohort2

Primary LanguageJavaScript

100xdevs cohort

Repo contains all the learnings from the cohort, assignments and other practice code.

Week 0 and 1

  • Basic foundations of JS
  • Async JS and Promises

Week 2

  • Async JS Revision
    • callbacks, promises, async/await
    • map() and filter() methods
  • Nodejs
    • importing modules using require(””) (CJS) and import _ from “module” (ESM)
    • modules
    • npm initialization and package installation
    • reading and writing files with fs module
    • making http server using http module
    • nodemon
  • Express
    • needs of express framework
    • making a basic http server
    • listening to the port -> app.listen(port)
    • request methods
    • status codes
    • (request, response) => {}
    • accessing data from the body -> req.body
    • need of express.json()
    • res.send, res.json

Week 3

  • mongoDB and postgress installation
  • middlewares, working with middlewares
  • next() and use of it
  • error based middlewares
  • making a rate limiter using custom middleware
  • prechecks
    • Auth
    • Input validation
  • global catch: app.use((err, req, res, next))
  • zod library for input validation
  • fetch API => fetch('URL', { method: 'POST', .... })
  • hashing, encryption, jwt, local storage
  • using jwt for Auth
  • database introduction

Week 4

  • DOM Manipulation
    • accessing the elements
    • manipulating the elements
    • creating and editing the values of the elements
  • Debouncing and throttling: delaying the execution of function for an event
  • React Intro and it's need