
this repository will hold terraform configuration for creating lambda function to send codedeploy deployment status in slack

Primary LanguageHCL


this repository contains lambda python script to get executed from codedeploy events and inform slack channel accordingly. slack channel and token (without https://) is stored as environment variables in the function and encrypted with kms. Lambda informs slack only when the deployment status is either SUCCESS or FAILURE or STOP.

tools and services used

  • codedeploy
  • lambda
  • python
  • kms
  • cloudwatch
  • slack


you need to declare three environment variables to make the lambda function to work.

  • kmsEncryptedHookUrl is the encrypted url of slack channel token without (copy the url without https://)! This value is encrypted with KMS
  • slackChannel is the slack channel where we want to send notification (i.e. #devops)
  • organization is the organization name that will be shown in the message footer


Following snippet is the JSON object used in notifying slack from Lambda function

    attachments_json = [{
      "color": "#1E90FF",
      "fields": [{
        "short": 0,
        "value": "myApplication",
        "title": "Application"
      }, {
        "short": 0,
        "value": "SUCCESS",
        "title": "State"
      "footer": u"\u00A9 Organization",        
      "title": "CodeDeploy Status Information"

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