
Small projects on NBA theme

Primary LanguageRMIT LicenseMIT

A collection of small research on NBA data

List research

  1. 3pa_rolling_diff - min and max 3P% on 50 and 300 shots window for top-20 3PA players.
  2. avg_dist_shot - scatter chart average distance for 2PT and 3PT attempts
  3. clutch_tracker - work with weights features for inpredictable The Jerry West Clutch Player of the Year Tracker
  4. distribution_possesions - compare count possessions teams in seasons 2020/21 and 2021/22.
  5. foul_by_team - fouls per game by teams in seasons 2011/12 - 2022/23.
  6. min_sweep - minimal difference in points when teams loss playoff series 0-4
  7. points_streak - game summary charts with points streak information.
  8. salary - analysis of the distribution of top 10 salaries of teams relative to league.
  9. shift_loc_x - analysis of the deviation of team's shots from the central axis of the court.
  10. team_win_series - longest active series of wins of one team over another in the NBA
  11. two_different_segments_season - comparison of two parts of the season 2021/22
  12. unassisted_fg - precent unassisted fg by teams and players in season 2022/23
  13. wins_or_lose_series - charts wins/losses series by season