- 1
- 3
[Formatting Bug]: custom directives support?
#289 opened by kukac7 - 4
- 1
- 3
- 2
- 8
- 1
[Feature Request]: Auto-wrapping of class attributes
#285 opened by tobia - 4
- 1
- 4
- 1
[Formatting Bug]: @php block messed up inside tag
#278 opened by calebdw - 3
[Formatting Bug]: Incorrect formatting
#268 opened by ONyklicek - 2
- 1
[Formatting Bug]: The PHP code enclosed within @php ... @endphp blocks within *.blade.php files is not formatting correctly.
#276 opened by monab - 3
[Bug]: After update to Prettier v3 VSCode stopped recognizing blade formatter
#274 opened by martinpl - 0
- 0
[Feature Request]: Support nested PHP tags
#281 opened by vinkla - 3
[Formatting Bug]:
#243 opened by AnourValar - 7
- 3
[Feature Request]: wrapAttributesPrintWidth
#249 opened by AnourValar - 3
[Formatting Bug]: Indentation gets removed in @php blocks in blade files since v1.13
#266 opened by plorenz-etes - 3
[Formatting Bug]: Weird indentation
#255 opened by calebdw - 4
- 4
- 6
- 5
- 2
- 0
[Feature]: Replace jest with Vitest
#270 opened by shufo - 2
[Formatting Bug]: Bad formatting in @php tags
#238 opened by calebdw - 1
- 3
- 1
[Bug]: Error: Unknown node type: undefined
#259 opened by pboese - 6
[Formatting Bug]: if else endif removes the trailing space inline and breaks the blade
#204 opened by tonypartridge - 5
- 3
- 5
[Bug]: 1.9.* Breaks formatting in Nova ( from Panic )
#210 opened by yabdab - 3
[Formatting Bug]: does not format when inline directive and if directive mixed
#199 opened by theMosaad - 1
[Formatting Bug]: Blade Component
#237 opened by AnourValar - 6
[Formatting Bug]: not compatible with `trailingCommaPHP` nor `phpVersion` from `@prettier/plugin-php`
#231 opened by nelson6e65 - 1
- 3
[Formatting Bug]: Unspecified single quotes
#196 opened by Sn0wye - 2
[Formatting Bug]: Bad HTML formatting
#219 opened by calebdw - 8
- 5
[Bug]: Unknown node type: undefined
#230 opened by saade - 8
[Bug]: Plugin stopped formatting blade files after upgrading prettier to 3.0.0
#213 opened by Jeto143 - 3
[Bug]: Recommended configuration for using plugin-blade together with plugin-php?
#198 opened by vinkla - 1
- 1
files matching the pattern
#180 opened by ayoubaitouhmad - 5
vue `v-else-if` wrong formatting
#170 opened by apasov