
Visual Studio project template (.NET MAUI)

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

.NET MAUI MVVM Project Template

To work with .NET MAUI user interface, I wish there was a template for Shell which I can start with it. However, the default template has only a very simple Shell example as below.

        ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:MainPage}"
        Route="MainPage" />

I like the built-in Shell template in Xamarin.Forms so I rebuilt the same for .NET MAUI. If you like the same, you can use this project template. This template includes the following features:

  1. A master-detail user interface using Shell
  2. Using MVVM Toolkit source generator to replace the original INotifyPropertyChanged
  3. Using .NET MAUI built-in Dependency Injection to replace DependencyService
  4. Added unit test using xUnit and NSubstitute





Flyout menu






You can download Visual Studio project template (.NET MAUI) at:

.NET MAUI Project and Item Templates - VS Marketplace

Build environment

This template is built using Visual Studio Version 17.5.0 on Windows.

Build and Test on macOS

I tested this template on macOS using Visual Studio for Mac Version 17.4.1. I cannot build and test using Visual Studio for Mac directly. We need to wait for a better .NET MAUI support in the future release.

However, it is possible to build and run from the command line.

Build and run as a Mac Catalyst app

dotnet build -t:Run -f net8.0-maccatalyst

Build and run on iOS

dotnet build -t:Run -f net8.0-ios

Known Issues

  1. Xaml.Diagnostics.BindingDiagnostics Warning

There is a warning that I haven't figured out how to resolve it. It may relate to this issue 11956. Please refer to the below error in Visual Studio.


  1. There are two issues on iOS and macOS as below.
