
Primary LanguagePython


ZFS2Cloud backs up ZFS file systems via snapshots. It's designed for homelab use cases where you want to take backups and upload them to offsite locations (via rclone) with minimal downtime. The general workflow is as follows:

  1. (Downtime starts) The application server is gracefully shutdown to maintain data consistency.
  2. A ZFS snapshot is taken. This should be instantaneous.
  3. (Downtime ends) The application server is restarted.
  4. The snapshot is processed in either intermediate mode or file mode.
  5. The intermediate files or the raw files from the snapshot are uploaded to the cloud.
  6. Local pruning of old intermediate data and/or ZFS snapshots occurs.

There are two different snapshot processing modes:

  • Intermediate mode: The ZFS FS snapshot is exported via zfs send (either full or incrementally) into files. To ensure the exported file is not one giant file which is not as parallelizable for cloud data providers, the file is splitted. All files are also encrypted via a symmetric passphrase with gpg.
  • File mode: The ZFS FS snapshot is read-only mounted to a path. The files within the mounted path are then uploaded via rclone. No encryption is applied in this mode. You can use rclone's crypt backend to establish client-side encryption.

System requirements

  • Python 3
  • ZFS with the zfs command available
    • Root permissions or permissions to invoke the zfs command
  • Optionally: rclone

How it works

Intermediate mode

The intermediate mode intends to upload the incremental ZFS filesystem snapshots as encrypted files to the cloud (via rclone). This makes the restore very simple, as all you need to do is to get the encrypted files, decrypt it, and use zfs recv to restore the filesystem. This is best suited for data for production services that have arbitrary on-disk formats.

As an example, the ZFS filesystem fs has no initial snapshot. Upon running zfs2cloud on 2024-01-01 00:00:00, an initial snapshot is generated and named fs@20240101000000. Since there are no previous backup, the full snapshot is exported via zfs send. The resulting data stream is encrypted via gpg and splitted into multiple files, fs@20240101000000.zfs.gpg.0000, fs@20240101000000.zfs.gpg.0001, and so on:

flowchart LR

A[fs@20240101000000] --> B[fs@20240101000000.zfs.gpg.0000]
A --> C[fs@20240101000000.zfs.gpg.0001]
A --> D[fs@20240101000000.zfs.gpg.0002]
A --> E[...]

The splitted files are stored in "intermediate" directory. Once the entire snapshot has been encrypted and exported, the resulting data can be uploaded to the clone via the upload-intermediate-to-remote step (via rclone). zfs2cloud will also remember 2024-01-01 00:00:00 is the last known full backup.

The next day, zfs2cloud runs again. A second snapshot, fs@20240102000000 is created. Instead of exporting the entire snapshot again, it detects that a previous full backup was made and only export an incremental snapshot via zfs send -i:

flowchart LR

A[fs@20240101000000 -> fs@20240102000000] --> B[fs@20240102000000.zfs.gpg.0000]

The splitted files are once again stored in an intermediate directory and the results are uploaded to the cloud.

On the third day, zfs2cloud runs for the third time. A third snapshot, fs@20240103000000 is created. A full backup was made two days ago, and zfs2cloud export an incremental snapshot not against the previous day's snapshot, but against the last known full backup:

flowchart LR

A[fs@20240101000000 -> fs@20240103000000] --> B[fs@20240103000000.zfs.gpg.0000]

The reason we do not export an incremental snapshot against the previous incremental snapshot is for redundancy reasons. In homelab environments, it is frequently infeasible or very costly to validate backups. It is also feasible for zfs2cloud or rclone to run into some sort of unhandled error. If zfs2cloud always exported incremental snapshots from the previous incremental snapshot, if any of the middle snapshot is corrupted, it will cause all snapshots after it to be lost. Trading off backup size with reliability is a intentional decision made in the design of this software.

After a certain amount of days (configurable via full_every_x_days), a new full backup is created and uploaded. Subsequent incremental backups will thus use this new full backup as a base.

Cloud storage can be configured so that files over N days are automatically deleted. This will automatically prune the data on the cloud and removes the need to manually manage and prune the updated data. While this could result in some orphaned incremental snapshots being left behind on the cloud storage when the full backup is deleted, it is a safer method than using custom code to prune the older backups.

File mode

File mode is designed to upload the actual files to the cloud, as opposed to incremental snapshots. This makes the backup more reliable and more resilient to corruption, as it skips the complexity of ZFS. This is best suited for regular files (so not a custom storage file format that many applications require) that are highly critical where complexity arising from ZFS could be detrimental for reliability over decades. It could also be good for situations where incremental snapshots takes up too much storage. An example of this situation would be for large photo/video collections.

The way this mode works is as follows:

  1. Initially, the ZFS filesystem fs has no snapshots. A snapshot is taken and named fs@20240101000000.
  2. The snapshot fs@20240101000000 is mounted to a directory within intermediate_basedir.
  3. Using rclone, the files within the mounted path can be uploaded to the cloud.
  4. The snapshot is unmounted from the disk.
  5. Snapshot pruning can occur at this point.

Note: this mode does not provide the following features out of the box:

  • Client-side encryption
  • Incremental backup
    • Can be achieved with another backup tool that runs after the snapshot is mounted.