Login Form Demo

This repository contains a simple web application written in NodeJS.

It has a signup form and login form where you can signup for a new user account and login to an existing user account.

The goal of this kata is to simulate a real world example of how we use Test Driven Development (TDD) on an existing code base. So given a ready made web application, how would you use TDD to drive the introduction of a new feature - in this case, an enhancement to the signup form.

Your facilitators will show you how to use a "Test First" strategy of adding new automated test codes in the test suite (to simulate the new feature), before attempting to build the feature in the leanest way, and then proceed to refactor the code. We hope that you will see how having automated tests helps you in building higher quality code.

If time permits, your facilitators may also introduce you to the idea of refactoring of an existing code base.


The product owner is very happy with the application, but would like some enhancements. People are able to sign up for new accounts, but the ACISO (Agency Chief Information Security Officer) said that some users are able to sign-up with too short a password. Security policy recommends enforcing a longer password length of at least 12 characters to make the application more secure.

User Story

As a User,
When I signup with for a new user account.
And I key in a password which is too short.
Then I should see an alert telling me my password is too short.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • An error alert should be shown if the password is too short.
  • Password must be at least 12 characters in length.
  • This should be a server-side implementation.
  • There should be additional automated test coverage.

Running the application

If you want to open this repository in Gitpod, just add gitpod.io/ before github.com in the browser location bar.

Alternatively, open this folder in your terminal app. And run these commands in the terminal. This app was build with v10.16.0.

  1. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  2. Start the app:

    npm start

    You can open this url in your browser to view the app: http://localhost:3000

  3. To run the test:

    npm test
  4. To run the linter:

    npm run jslint
  5. To fix linting issues:

    npm run jsfmt


  • Express - Application framework in NodeJS.
  • EJS - Templating engine for displaying the HTML pages.
  • Mocha - Testing framework.
  • Chai - Test Assertion library.
  • Supertest - Low-level testing library for HTTP services.
  • LokiJS - In memory database.
  • Bootstrap - CSS framework for building websites.
  • ESLint - Find and fix problems in your JavaScript code.
    • This application uses the StandardJS coding style.


  1. GET /

    This is the home page. The login form is also here.

  2. GET /signup

    This is the registration form.

  3. POST /signup

    Sign up for new user account.

  4. POST /users

    This is how you login to the app. You will need to login with email and password.

    The default email is demo@example.com and password is demo1234.

  5. GET /users/welcome

    Landing page after you have successfully logged in with the correct credentials.

  6. GET /users/logout

    URL for logging out of the application.