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Version: 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT Type: application

Provisions and configures an instance of the entire K8ssandra stack. This includes Apache Cassandra, Stargate, Reaper, Medusa, Prometheus, and Grafana.

Homepage: https://k8ssandra.io/


Name Email Url
K8ssandra Team k8ssandra-developers@googlegroups.com https://github.com/k8ssandra

Source Code


Repository Name Version
file://../cass-operator cass-operator 0.29.1
file://../k8ssandra-common k8ssandra-common 0.28.1
file://../medusa-operator medusa-operator 0.29.0
file://../reaper-operator reaper-operator 0.30.0
https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts kube-prometheus-stack 12.11.3


Key Type Default Description
cassandra.enabled bool true Enables installation of Cassandra cluster. Set to false if you only wish to install operators.
cassandra.version string "3.11.10" The Cassandra version to use. The supported versions include the following: - 3.11.7 - 3.11.8 - 3.11.9 - 3.11.10 - 4.0.0
cassandra.versionImageMap object {"3.11.10":"k8ssandra/cass-management-api:3.11.10-v0.1.25","3.11.7":"k8ssandra/cass-management-api:3.11.7-v0.1.25","3.11.8":"k8ssandra/cass-management-api:3.11.8-v0.1.25","3.11.9":"k8ssandra/cass-management-api:3.11.9-v0.1.25","4.0.0":"k8ssandra/cass-management-api:4.0.0-v0.1.25"} Specifies the image to use for a particular Cassandra version. Exercise care and caution with changing these values! cass-operator is not designed to work with arbitrary Cassandra images. It expects the cassandra container to be running management-api images. If you do want to change one of these mappings, the new value should be a management-api image.
cassandra.clusterName string "" Overrides the default image mappings. This is intended for advanced use cases like development or testing. By default the Cassandra version has to be one that is in versionImageMap. Template rendering will fail if the version is not in the map. When you set the image directly, the version mapping check is skipped. Note that you are still constrained to the versions supported by cass-operator. image: -- Cluster name defaults to release name when not specified.
cassandra.auth object {"cacheUpdateIntervalMillis":3600000,"cacheValidityPeriodMillis":3600000,"enabled":true,"superuser":{"secret":"","username":""}} Authentication and authorization related settings.
cassandra.auth.enabled bool true Enables or disables authentication and authorization. This also enables/disables JMX authentication. Note that if Reaper is enabled JMX authentication will still be enabled even if auth is disabled here. This is because Reaper requires remote JMX access.
cassandra.auth.superuser object {"secret":"","username":""} Configures the default Cassandra superuser when authentication is enabled. If neither superuser.secret nor superuser.username are set, then a user and a secret with the user's credentials will be created. The username and secret name will be of the form {clusterName}-superuser. The password will be a random 20 character password. If superuser.secret is set, then the Cassandra user will be created from the contents of the secret. If superuser.secret is not set and if superuser.username is set, a secret will be generated using the specified username. The password will be generated as previously described. JMX credentials will also be created for the superuser. The same username/password that is used here will be used for JMX. If you change the Cassandra superuser credentials through cqlsh for example, the JMX credentials will not be updated. You need to update the credentials via helm upgrade in order for the change to propagate to JMX. This will be fixed in k8ssandra/k8ssandra#323.
cassandra.auth.cacheValidityPeriodMillis int 3600000 Cache entries validity period in milliseconds. cassandra.yaml has settings for roles, permissions, and credentials caches. This property will configure the validity period for all three.
cassandra.auth.cacheUpdateIntervalMillis int 3600000 Cache entries update period in milliseconds. cassandra.yaml has settings for roles, permissions, and credentials caches. This property will configure the update interval for all three.
cassandra.cassandraLibDirVolume.storageClass string "standard" Storage class for persistent volume claims (PVCs) used by the underlying cassandra pods. Depending on your Kubernetes distribution this may be named "standard", "hostpath", or "localpath". Run kubectl get storageclass to identify what is available in your environment.
cassandra.cassandraLibDirVolume.size string "5Gi" Size of the provisioned persistent volume per node. It is recommended to keep the total amount of data per node to approximately 1 TB. With room for compactions this value should max out at ~2 TB. This recommendation is highly dependent on data model and compaction strategies in use. Consider testing with your data model to find an optimal value for your usecase.
cassandra.allowMultipleNodesPerWorker bool false Permits running multiple Cassandra pods per Kubernetes worker. If enabled resources.limits and resources.requests must be defined.
cassandra.additionalSeeds list [] Optional additional contact points for the Cassandra cluster to connect to.
cassandra.loggingSidecar object {"enabled":true} The management-api runs as pid 1 in the cassandra container which means its logs are sent to stdout and stderr. To make Cassandra's logs more accessible, cass-operator deploys the server-system-logger container. You can get the logs with kubectl logs <cassandra pod> -c server-system-logger.
cassandra.loggingSidecar.enabled bool true Set to false if you do not want to deploy the server-system-logger container.
cassandra.heap object {} Optional cluster-level heap configuration, can be overridden at datacenters level. Options are commented out for reference. Note that k8ssandra does not automatically apply default values for heap size. It instead defers to Cassandra's out of box defaults.
cassandra.gc object {"cms":{},"g1":{}} Optional cluster-level garbage collection configuration. It can be overridden at the datacenter level.
cassandra.gc.cms object {} GC configuration for the CMS collector.
cassandra.gc.g1 object {} Controls the size of the two survivor spaces in the heap's young generation. survivorRatio: 8 -- The number of times an object survives a minor collection before being promoted to the old generation. maxTenuringThreshold: 1 -- A major collection starts if the occupancy of the old generation exceeds this percentage. initiatingOccupancyFraction: 75 -- The time in milliseconds that CMS threads wait for young GC. waitDuration: 10000 -- GC configuration for the G1 collector.
cassandra.resources object {} Resource requests for each Cassandra pod. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/ for background on managing resources.
cassandra.tolerations list []
cassandra.datacenters[0].name string "dc1" Name of the datacenter
cassandra.datacenters[0].size int 1 Number of nodes within the datacenter. This value should, at a minimum, match the number of racks and be no less than 3 for non-development environments.
cassandra.datacenters[0].racks list [{"affinityLabels":{},"name":"default"}] Number of tokens within the datacenter. If not defined, the default values will be used, which are 256 tokens for 3.11 releases and 16 tokens for 4.0 releases. num_tokens: 16 -- The replication factor for keyspaces in the datacenter. Triggers the even token distribution algorithm for num_tokens and the replication factor. Note that this property is for Cassandra 4.0 and later. Setting this property with Cassandra 3.11.x will result in a chart validation error. When the Cassandra version is 4.0, this property is enabled by default with a value of 3. allocateTokensForLocalRF: 3 -- Specifies the racks for the data center, if unset the datacenter will be composed of a single rack named default. The number of racks should equal the replication factor of your application keyspaces. Cassandra will ensure that replicas are spread across racks versus having multiple replicas within the same rack. For example, let's say we are using RF = 3 with a 9 node cluster and 3 racks (and 3 nodes per rack). There will be one replica of the dataset spread across each rack.
cassandra.datacenters[0].racks[0].name string "default" Identifier for the rack, this may align with the labels used to control where resources are deployed for this rack. For example, if a rack is limited to a single availability zone the identifier may be the name of that AZ (eg us-east-1a).
cassandra.datacenters[0].racks[0].affinityLabels object {} an optional set of labels that are used to pin Cassandra pods to specific k8s worker nodes via affinity rules. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/assign-pods-nodes-using-node-affinity/ for background on using affinity rules. topology.kubernetes.io/zone is a well-known k8s label used by cloud providers to indicate the failure zone in which a k8s worker node is running. The following example illustrates how you can pin racks to specific failure zones. racks: - name: r1 affinityLabels: topology.kubernetes.io/zone: us-east1-b - name: r2 affinityLabels: topology.kubernetes.io/zone: us-east1-a - name: r3 affinityLabels: topology.kubernetes.io/zone: us-east1-c
cassandra.datacenters[0].heap object {} Optional datacenter-level heap setting, overrides cluster-level setting cassandra.heap. Options are commented out for reference. Note that k8ssandra does not automatically apply default values for heap size. It instead defers to Cassandra's out of box defaults.
cassandra.datacenters[0].gc object {"cms":{},"g1":{}} Optional datacenter-level garbage collection configuration.
cassandra.datacenters[0].gc.cms object {} Optional GC configuration for the CMS collector
cassandra.datacenters[0].gc.g1 object {} Controls the size of the two survivor spaces in the heap's young generation. survivorRatio: 8 -- The number of times an object survives a minor collection before being promoted to the old generation. maxTenuringThreshold: 1 -- A major collection starts if the occupancy of the old generation exceeds this percentage. initiatingOccupancyFraction: 75 -- The time in milliseconds that CMS threads wait for young GC. waitDuration: 10000 -- Optional GC configuration for the G1 collector
cassandra.ingress.enabled bool false Enables Cassandra Traefik ingress definitions. Note that this is mutually exclusive with stargate.ingress.cassandra.enabled
cassandra.ingress.method string "traefik" Determines which TCP-based ingress custom resources to template out. Currently only traefik is supported
cassandra.ingress.host string nil Optional hostname used to match requests. Warning: many native Cassandra clients, notably including cqlsh, initialize their connection by querying for the cluster's contactPoints, and thereafter communicate to the cluster using those names/IPs rather than whatever host was specified to the client. In order for clients to work correctly through ingress with a host filter, this means that the host filter must match the hostnames specified in the contactPoints. This value must be a DNS-resolvable hostname and not an IP address. To avoid this issue, leave this setting blank.
cassandra.ingress.traefik.entrypoint string "cassandra" Traefik entrypoint where traffic is sourced. See https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/routing/entrypoints/
stargate.enabled bool true Enable Stargate resources as part of this release
stargate.version string "1.0.18" version of Stargate to deploy. This is used in conjunction with cassandra.version to select the Stargate container image. If stargate.image is set, this value has no effect.
stargate.replicas int 1 Number of Stargate instances to deploy. This value may be scaled independently of Cassandra cluster nodes. Each instance handles API and coordination tasks for inbound queries.
stargate.image string nil Sets the Stargate container image. This value must be compatible with the value provided for stargate.clusterVersion. If left blank (recommended), k8ssandra will derive an appropriate image based on cassandra.clusterVersion.
stargate.imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Sets the imagePullPolicy used by the Stargate pods
stargate.heapMB int 256 Sets the heap size Stargate will use in megabytes. Memory request and limit for the pod will be set to this value x2 and x4, respectively.
stargate.cpuReqMillicores int 200 Sets the CPU request for the Stargate pod in millicores.
stargate.cpuLimMillicores int 1000 Sets the CPU limit for the Stargate pod in millicores.
stargate.livenessInitialDelaySeconds int 30 Sets the initial delay in seconds for the Stargate liveness probe.
stargate.readinessInitialDelaySeconds int 30 Sets the initial delay in seconds for the Stargate readiness probe.
stargate.cassandraUser object {"secret":"","username":""} Configures the Cassandra user used by Stargate when authentication is enabled. If neither cassandraUser.secret nor cassandraUser.username are set, then a Cassandra user and a secret will be created. The username will be stargate. The secret name will be of the form {clusterName}-stargate. The password will be a random 20 character password. If cassandraUser.secret is set, then the Cassandra user will be created from the contents of the secret. If cassandraUser.secret is not set and if cassandraUser.username is set, a secret will be generated using the specified username. The password will be generated as previously described.
stargate.ingress.host string nil Optional hostname used to match requests. Warning: many native Cassandra clients, notably including cqlsh, initialize their connection by querying for the cluster's contactPoints, and thereafter communicate to the cluster using those names/IPs rather than whatever host was specified to the client. In order for clients to work correctly through ingress with a host filter, this means that the host filter must match the hostnames specified in the contactPoints. This value must be a DNS-resolvable hostname and not an IP address. To avoid this issue, leave this setting blank, or override it to "" (empty string) for stargate.ingress.cassandra.host. This note does not apply to clients of Stargate's auth, REST, or GraphQL APIs.
stargate.ingress.enabled bool false Enables all Stargate ingresses. Note: This must be true for any Stargate ingress to function.
stargate.ingress.auth.enabled bool true Enables Stargate authentication ingress. Note: stargate.ingress.enabled must also be true.
stargate.ingress.auth.host string nil Optional hostname used to match requests, overriding stargate.ingress.host if set
stargate.ingress.rest.enabled bool true Enables Stargate REST ingress. Note: stargate.ingress.enabled must also be true.
stargate.ingress.rest.host string nil Optional hostname used to match requests, overriding stargate.ingress.host if set
stargate.ingress.graphql.enabled bool true Enables Stargate GraphQL API ingress. Note: stargate.ingress.enabled must also be true.
stargate.ingress.graphql.host string nil Optional hostname used to match requests, overriding stargate.ingress.host if set
stargate.ingress.graphql.playground.enabled bool true Enables GraphQL playground ingress. Note: stargate.ingress.enabled and stargate.ingress.graphql.enabled must also be true.
stargate.ingress.cassandra.enabled bool true Enables C* native protocol ingress with Traefik. Note that this is mutually exclusive with cassandra.ingress.enabled, and stargate.ingress.enabled must also be true.
stargate.ingress.cassandra.method string "traefik" Determines which TCP-based ingress custom resources to template out. Currently only traefik is supported
stargate.ingress.cassandra.host string nil Optional hostname used to match requests. Warning: many native Cassandra clients, notably including cqlsh, initialize their connection by querying for the cluster's contactPoints, and thereafter communicate to the cluster using those names/IPs rather than whatever host was specified to the client. In order for clients to work correctly through ingress with a host filter, this means that the host filter must match the hostnames specified in the contactPoints. This value must be a DNS-resolvable hostname and not an IP address. To avoid this issue, leave this setting blank, or if stargate.ingress.host is set, override it here to "" (empty string). This note does not apply to clients of Stargate's auth, REST, or GraphQL APIs.
stargate.ingress.cassandra.traefik object {"entrypoint":"cassandra"} Parameters used by the Traefik IngressRoute custom resource
stargate.ingress.cassandra.traefik.entrypoint string "cassandra" Traefik entrypoint where traffic is sourced. See https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/routing/entrypoints/
stargate.tolerations list [] Tolerations to apply to the Stargate pods. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/ for background.
reaper.autoschedule bool false When enabled, Reaper automatically sets up repair schedules for all non-system keypsaces. Repear monitors the cluster so that as keyspaces are added or removed repair schedules will be added or removed respectively.
reaper.autoschedule_properties object {} Additional autoscheduling properties. Allows you to customize the schedule rules for autoscheduling. Properties are the same as accepted by the Reaper.
reaper.enabled bool true Enable Reaper resources as part of this release. Note that Reaper uses Cassandra's JMX APIs to perform repairs. When Reaper is enabled, Cassandra will also be configured to allow remote JMX access. JMX authentication will be configured in Cassandra with credentials only created for Reaper in order to limit access.
reaper.image.repository string "docker.io/thelastpickle/cassandra-reaper" Specifies the container repository for cassandra-reaper
reaper.image.tag string "2.2.2" Tag of an image within the specified repository
reaper.cassandraUser object {"secret":"","username":""} Configures the Cassandra user used by Reaper when authentication is enabled. If neither cassandraUser.secret nor cassandraUser.username are set, then a Cassandra user and a secret with the user's credentials will be created. The username will be reaper. The secret name will be of the form {clusterName}-reaper. The password will be a random 20 character password. If cassandraUser.secret is set, then the Cassandra user will be created from the contents of the secret. If cassandraUser.secret is not set and if cassandraUser.username is set, a secret will be generated using the specified username. The password will be generated as previously described.
reaper.jmx object {"secret":"","username":""} Configures JMX access to the Cassandra cluster. Reaper requires remote JMX access to perform repairs. The Cassandra cluster will be configured with remote JMX access enabled when Reaper is deployed. The JMX access will be configured to use authentication. If neither jmx.secret nor jmx.username are set, then a default user and secret with the user's credentials will be created.
reaper.jmx.username string "" Username that Reaper will use for JMX access. If left blank a random, alphanumeric string will be generated.
reaper.ingress.enabled bool false Enables Reaper ingress definitions. When enabled, you must specify a value for reaper.ingress.host.
reaper.ingress.host string nil Hostname to use for routing requests to the repair UI. If using a local deployment consider leveraging dynamic DNS services like xip.io. Example: repair. will return for DNS requests routing requests to your local machine. This is required when reaper.ingress.enabled is true.
reaper.ingress.method string "traefik"
reaper.ingress.traefik.entrypoint string "web" Traefik entrypoint where traffic is sourced. See https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/routing/entrypoints/
reaper.tolerations list []
medusa.enabled bool false Enable Medusa resources as part of this release. If enabled, bucketName and storageSecret must be defined.
medusa.image.repository string "docker.io/k8ssandra/medusa" Specifies the container repository for Medusa
medusa.image.tag string "0.10.1" Tag of an image within the specified repository
medusa.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" The image pull policy
medusa.cassandraUser object {"secret":"","username":""} Configures the Cassandra user used by Medusa when authentication is enabled. If neither cassandraUser.secret nor cassandraUser.username are set, then a Cassandra user and a secret will be created. The username will be medusa. The secret name will be of the form {clusterName}-medusa. The password will be a random 20 character password. If cassandraUser.secret is set, then the Cassandra user will be created from the contents of the secret. If cassandraUser.secret is not set and if cassandraUser.username is set, a secret will be generated using the specified username. The password will be generated as previously described.
medusa.multiTenant bool false Enables usage of a bucket across multiple clusters.
medusa.storage string "s3" API interface used by the object store. Supported values include s3, 's3_compatible' and gcs. For file system storage, i.e., a pod volume mount, use 'local' and set the podStorage properties. Note that 'local' does not necessarily imply a local volume. It could also be network attached storage. It is simply accessed through the file system.
medusa.storage_properties object {} Optional properties for storage. Supported values depend on the type of the storage.
medusa.bucketName string "awstest"
medusa.storageSecret string "medusa-bucket-key" Name of the Kubernetes Secret that stores the key file for the storage provider's API. If using 'local' storage, this value is ignored.
medusa.podStorage object {} To use a locally mounted volumes for backups, the Cassandra pods must have a PVC where to write the backups to.
monitoring.grafana.provision_dashboards bool true Enables the creation of configmaps containing Grafana dashboards. If leveraging the kube-prometheus-stack subchart this value should be true. See https://helm.sh/docs/chart_template_guide/subcharts_and_globals/ for background on subcharts.
monitoring.prometheus.provision_service_monitors bool true Enables the creation of Prometheus Operator ServiceMonitor custom resources. If you are not using the kube-prometheus-stack subchart or do not have the ServiceMonitor CRD installed on your cluster, set this value to false.
cleaner object {"image":"k8ssandra/k8ssandra-cleaner:e6c3702701ca"} The cleaner is a pre-delete hook that that ensures objects with finalizers get deleted. For example, cass-operator sets a finalizer on the CassandraDatacenter. Kubernetes blocks deletion of an object until all of its finalizers are cleared. In the case of the CassandraDatacenter object, cass-operator removes the finalizer. The problem is that there are no ordering guarantees with helm uninstall which means that the cass-operator deployment could be deleted before the CassandraDatacenter. The cleaner ensures that the CassandraDatacenter is deleted before cass-operator.
cass-operator.enabled bool true Enables the cass-operator as part of this release. If this setting is disabled no Cassandra resources will be deployed.
reaper-operator.enabled bool true Enables the reaper-operator as part of this release. If this setting is disabled no repair resources will be deployed.
kube-prometheus-stack.enabled bool true Controls whether the kube-prometheus-stack chart is used at all. Disabling this parameter prevents all monitoring components from being installed.
kube-prometheus-stack.coreDns.enabled bool false
kube-prometheus-stack.kubeApiServer.enabled bool false
kube-prometheus-stack.kubeControllerManager.enabled bool false
kube-prometheus-stack.kubeDns.enabled bool false
kube-prometheus-stack.kubeEtcd.enabled bool false
kube-prometheus-stack.kubeProxy.enabled bool false
kube-prometheus-stack.kubeScheduler.enabled bool false
kube-prometheus-stack.kubeStateMetrics.enabled bool false
kube-prometheus-stack.kubelet.enabled bool false
kube-prometheus-stack.nodeExporter.enabled bool false
kube-prometheus-stack.alertmanager.enabled bool false
kube-prometheus-stack.alertmanager.serviceMonitor.selfMonitor bool false
kube-prometheus-stack.prometheusOperator.enabled bool true
kube-prometheus-stack.prometheusOperator.namespaces object {"additional":[],"releaseNamespace":true} Locks Prometheus operator to this namespace. Changing this setting may result in a non-namespace scoped deployment.
kube-prometheus-stack.prometheusOperator.serviceMonitor object {"selfMonitor":false} Monitoring of prometheus operator
kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus.enabled bool true Provisions an instance of Prometheus as part of this release
kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus.prometheusSpec object {"externalUrl":"","routePrefix":"/"} Allows for tweaking of the Prometheus installation's configuration. Common parameters include externalUrl: http://localhost:9090/prometheus and routePrefix: /prometheus for running Prometheus resources under a specific path (/prometheus in this example).
kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus.prometheusSpec.routePrefix string "/" Prefixes all Prometheus routes with the specified value. It is useful for ingresses which do not rewrite URLs.
kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus.prometheusSpec.externalUrl string "" An external URL at which Prometheus will be reachable.
kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus.ingress.enabled bool false Enable templating of ingress resources for external prometheus traffic
kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus.ingress.paths list [] Path-based routing rules, /prometheus is possible if the appropriate changes are made to prometheusSpec
kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus.serviceMonitor.selfMonitor bool false
kube-prometheus-stack.grafana.enabled bool true Provisions an instance of Grafana and wires it up with a DataSource referencing this Prometheus installation
kube-prometheus-stack.grafana.ingress.enabled bool false Generates ingress resources for the Grafana instance
kube-prometheus-stack.grafana.ingress.path string nil Path-based routing rules, '/grafana' is possible if appropriate changes are made to grafana.ini
kube-prometheus-stack.grafana.adminUser string "admin" Username for accessing the provisioned Grafana instance
kube-prometheus-stack.grafana.adminPassword string "secret" Password for accessing the provisioned Grafana instance
kube-prometheus-stack.grafana.serviceMonitor.selfMonitor bool false Whether the Grafana instance should be monitored
kube-prometheus-stack.grafana.defaultDashboardsEnabled bool false Default dashboard installation
kube-prometheus-stack.grafana.plugins list ["grafana-polystat-panel"] Additional plugins to be installed during Grafana startup, grafana-polystat-panel is used by the default Cassandra dashboards.
kube-prometheus-stack.grafana."grafana.ini" object {} Customization of the Grafana instance. To listen for Grafana traffic under a different url set server.root_url: http://localhost:3000/grafana and serve_from_sub_path: true.

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.5.0