Takin is an Java-based, open-source system designed to measure online environmental performance test for full-links, Especially for microservices. Through Takin, middlewares and applications can identify real online traffic and test traffic, ensure that they enter the right databases.
- anlalala
- arthur-zhangCVTE
- Bin2020
- bingli-borland
- buheChina
- chuxusaveHangzhou, China
- damonchenHangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China
- diystyle
- dongtestingtest
- draco1023
- GreentorBeiJing
- hengyu-coder
- Hezhongqi
- ibsdshenzhen
- iengrave
- ivanmissu
- jacksparrow414Chengdu,China
- jcevo
- jobop
- john1688
- kalencaya
- libing8719
- magooup
- majinkai韩都衣舍
- mfcliu
- NathanChan唯品会
- paddy0914TRS
- Taaang
- tim0101GuangZhou China
- wanghui2021
- wefun94
- xhb7636553Tencent
- xuchuanqiu
- xvm03
- yangpeng515HangZhou, China
- zhang19970916