
Mazdoor is an online platform to connect daily wage workers to buyers who require their services. Through the website, these workers will be able to find work and won’t have to physically wait long hours.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Getting start

Just run the following commands in your terminal to start coding

$ git clone https://github.com/shahbazhassan42000/mazdoor.git
$ cd mazdoor
$ npm install

Then run:

$ npm run dev

The last command automatically runs the API exposed on http://localhost:5000

Figma Design for the website

Link: https://www.figma.com/file/BKAyOE3BlpacjXehWKqXnc/MAZDOOR?t=YtjcGmJo77LinC9I-1


To create a build for production you need to build your current project with the following command:

$ npm run build