
Transfers files from source folder to corresponding folder based on suffix

Primary LanguageC


This program is a tool to automatically sort files from a source folder into designated folders.

Set up

Clone this directory.

The directories currently in the mydirectories.h header should be changed to match desired directories.

Compile with make and clean with make clean.

How to use

Save files with suffixes that match suffixes in the mydirectories.h header. Suffixes must begin with a hyphen in order to be properly read.

There must be 5 directories. If unused, change the suffix to -NULL and the path to an empty string.

Files must be saved to the designated source folder. Run the program and files will be sorted to corresponding folders based on their suffixes.

Running in the background

The file watch.py can be executed to check for new files every 10 seconds and can be ran in the background. This requires python to be installed. I am not sure which version is required but I reccomend the most recent version as I am using 3.7.

To run on startup, add python3.7 path/to/file/watch.py to your startup thing you have going on for your system.

For example, I am using i3wm and i have exec_always python3.7/home/peter/Documents/FileTransfer/watch.py in my i3 config file.