Analysis of UFO sightings was done to aid in production of a website where sighting could be filtered based on date, city, state, country, and shape.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

UFOs Research Overview

Analysis of UFO sightings was done to aid in production of a website where sighting could be filtered based on date, city, state, country, and shape. The webpage was then customized according to desired specifications requested to best display the information for data journalism. Javascript was used to iterate through data and filter based on user input. Functions were created to load filtered data in using event listening responses and an HTML page was updated to hold titles, a paragraph with more detailed information, and the filter and table results.

##Results This webpage would be used by using any of the desired filters to affect the table data displayed, including the date, city, state, country, and/or shape. Placeholder text was placed in the input box to display how inputs should be formatted. An example of the unfiltered table is as follows:


Enter desired search requirements in their respective field and click off of the table for it to refresh. Only data that matches all filters will show up in the table, if no entries populate in the table, try expanding or changing your filters to access more sighting entries. To clear the table refresh the page, or delete your filter entries. An example of filtered table data is as follows:


##Summary One drawback to this design was removing the filter button. If you do not know to click off the table you could just sit there waiting for the table to change after entering a filter. Also reloading the page after each individual filter entry is not typically what I see from major brands or websites when filtering, such as on Amazon. Therefore, allowing users to input all desired filters then click an obvious button to load the filtered data in would be the best in my opinion.

##Contact Me

Email: sarahhumphrey2016@outlook.com