
Linux bash scripts for selectively monitoring of textual log files by using the Monitis API

This project presents the Linux Bash-script wrapper for the Monitis Open API. As sample, the selective monitor of textual log-files is developed.
This project is based on Bash 4.x and require the Linux kernel 2.6.x or higher.

  Monitis Open API wrapper
      monitis_api.sh		monitis api wrapper functions
      monitis_constant.sh	monitis api wrapper constants (and configuration)
      monitis_global.sh		monitis api wrapper global variables
      monitis_util.sh		monitis api wrapper utility functions
  Custom textual log file monitor
      monitor.sh		custom monitor main part
      monitor_constant.sh	custom monitor constants (and configuration)
      monitor_test.sh		custom monitor main executor
      log_simulation.sh		log simulator (for testing purpose)
  Processing part
      start.sh			runs conveyor that contains log-simulator, monitor and executor (uses xterminal)
      stop.sh			stops conveyor all parts

Customizing and Usage 
To use existing scripts you need to do some changes that will correspond your account and data
	- in monitis_constant.sh replace ApiKey and SecretKey by your keys values (can be obtained from your Monitis account)
	- in monitor_constant.sh 
		o - replace MONITOR_NAME, MONITOR_TAG and MONITOR_TYPE by your desired names
		o - replace RESULT_PARAMS and ADDITIONAL_PARAMS strings by data formats definition of your monitor
		o - replace LOG_FILE by any other desired textual log file path(must exist) 
		o - replace ERR_FILE by any temporary file path (it will be created by script)
		o - define your desired pattern (replace PATTERN value that is currently defined as "error|warning|serious"). 
		    It is used to dynamic filtering of log file records. (patterns should be defined in conform to format of "Linux grep tool")
That's all. Now you can click on start.sh to run your custom log-file monitor.