Welcome to Miracle Messages Map👋

Version License: MIT

Partner Information

Miracle Messages

We are a nonprofit reunion service to help our neighbors experiencing homelessness reunite with their loved ones in a positive and supportive way.


  • Contact: Kevin Alder
  • Product Manager: Jessica Wilkinson.


"I didn't realize I was homeless until I lost my friends and family"

We believe everyone is somebody's someone, and no one should be defined by what they lack. Miracle Messages Map connects volunteers, making it easy to join together to reunite more homeless people with their families.


The following environment variables control the front-end: Note: When using Create React App, environment variables must be prepended with REACT_APP

  • REACT_APP_CALLBACK_SSL (Default: true)
    • If true, the authentication callback URL will use https; otherwise the callback url will use http

Tech Stack

  • Frontend:

    • React-Redux
    • Mapbox API to display the data points on the map
    • react-map-gl library built by Uber to use react with mapbox
    • Google Analytics/ ReactGA for analytics
    • CSS/Node-sass for some styling on top of styled components
    • Material UI, Reactstrap libraries for styled components
    • Okta for authentication
    • Cypress for testing
    • react-places-autocomplete to integrate with Google Maps for the Volunteer sign up form.
  • Backend:

    • Node.js/Express to build the server/endpoints etc.
    • Knex for SQL querying using Node
    • Postgres for our database
    • Heroku for our server/backend deployment
    • AWS for images/files upload storage
    • Jest for testing
    • SendGrid


👤 Colin de Vries

👤 Shun Chiang

👤 Alexander Karren

👤 Ronald McIntyre

👤 Samuel Ardis

👤 Charlie DiFranco

👤 Will VanOrder

Twitter: arashhaji Twitter: davebettswebdev

😎 Daniel Mattox

  • Front End Developer
  • Back End Developer
Twitter: dmattox10

👨‍🚀 Shawn Tompke

👸 Ramonta Lee

  • Front End Developer
  • Back End Developer
Twitter: RamontaLee

👤 Efrain Vazquez

👸 Shelby Diamond

😎 Adrian Garcia

👨‍🚀 Noah Franco

🤓 Roenz Aberin

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