Fine Tuning BERT on Stanford Sentiment Tree Bank


  • Python 3.6
  • Pytorch 1.2.0
  • Transformers 2.0.0

Run the following command to install all required packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Also create a Models directory to save your trained models.

mkdir Models


Download the data from this link. There will be a main zip file download option at the right side of the page. Extract the contents of the zip file and place them in data/SST/

Training the model

To train the model with fixed weights of BERT layers, execute the following command from the project directory

python -m src.main -freeze_bert -gpu <gpu to use> -maxlen <maximum sequence length> -batch_size <batch size to use> -lr <learning rate> -maxeps <number of epochs>

To train the entire model i.e. both BERT layers and the classification layer just skip the -freeze_bert flag

python -m src.main -gpu <gpu to use> -maxlen <maximum sequence length> -batch_size <batch size to use> -lr <learning rate> -maxeps <number of epochs>


Model Variant Accuracy on Dev Set
BERT (no finetuning) 82.59%
BERT (with finetuning) 88.29%