
Primary LanguageTypeScript


Parse console output which includes escape sequence.


npm install sgr-parser

How to use

SGRParser takes two constructor parameters.

  • keepState: Keep previous state while continuous parsing.
  • handleCR : Deal CR(0x0d) code as ESC[2K(Remove current line.)

SGRParser has following two methods.

  • tokenize(str: string): Array;
    • It returns 3 kind of Token(StringToken, EscapeToken, ErrorToken)
    • StringToken has str property. It holds tokenized string.
    • EscapeToken has options property and code property. options is array of number. code is code of key.
    • ErrorToken means invalid EscapeSequence. It is almost same as StringToken.
  • parse(str)
    • It returns Array of Line object.
    • Line object has following four properties.
    • str: string
    • classname: It holds sgr classname. (e.g. sgr-33-m)
    • newLine: true means LF exists before this string.
    • removeLine: If the escape sequence ESC[2K exists, it will be Line("", "", false, true).
    • Other escapes except ESC[[n]m will be ignored.
var SGRParser = require("sgr-parser");

var input = "\u001b[31mtest\u001b[0m";
var lines = new SGRParser(true, true).parse(input); // [Line("test", "sgr-31-m", false, false)]