Runtime 2200 With Chopsticks Issue

start a chopsticks server

npx @acala-network/chopsticks@latest --version

npx @acala-network/chopsticks@latest -c acala.yml

then go the polkadotjs UI, Alice should have 1000 ACA by sotrage override in config.

make a transfer from alice, and chopsticks will report

ERROR (rpc-author/37585): ExtrinsicFailed
  error: {
    "invalid": {
      "payment": null

as comparasion, the following two operations will succeed as expected:

  • transfer with an account that originally has balance (not via storage override)
  • change wasm override to use 2180, restart chopsticks, and transfer with alice

wasm is downloaded from hereAcalaNetwork/Acala#2581