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As a Product Manager, I recommend the following functions and screens for the GeoQuiz application:
Onboarding / Tutorial:
- Introduce users to the app and its features.
- Explain the gameplay and how to interact with the AI.
Main Menu / Home Screen:
- Start a new game.
- Access settings and user profile.
- View achievements and leaderboards.
Game Screen:
- ✅Display the interactive world map.
- ✅Zoom and pan controls for the map.
- ✅Search historic memorial place.
- Display quiz questions and multiple-choice answers.
- AI chatbox for hints, explanations, and user interaction.
- Timer and score display.
Hint and Explanation Screen:
- Show detailed hints and explanations from the AI.
- Include images or videos for better understanding.
User Profile and Achievements:
- Display user's progress, scores, and rankings.
- List completed and available achievements.
- Offer customization options for the user's avatar and profile.
- Display global and friend rankings.
- Filter options to view rankings based on various categories and timeframes.
- Adjust audio, visual, and gameplay preferences.
- Manage linked social media accounts.
- Access help and support.
Social Features:
- Invite friends to play and compare scores.
- Share achievements and scores on social media platforms.
Push Notifications:
- Remind users to play and engage with the app.
- Notify users about updates, new content, or events.
In-app Store:
- Offer in-app purchases for additional content, hints, or customizations.
- Implement a reward system with in-game currency earned by playing.
These functions and screens should provide a comprehensive and engaging experience for users of the GeoQuiz application.
- Create file as below
import 'package:core_data/api/model/geo_element.dart';
import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';
part 'overpass_response.g.dart';
@JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
class OverpassResponse {
final double version;
final String generator;
@JsonKey(name: "elements")
final List<GeoElementResponseData> geoElements;
required this.version,
required this.generator,
required this.geoElements,
factory OverpassResponse.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$OverpassResponseToJson(this);
part <filename>
: Specify the file name where you want to describe the serialize/deserialize processexplicitToJson: true
means Json data format is nested
- run command
flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs