
An improved zh-Hans translation of The Roots of Lisp by Paul Graham, derived from Dai Yuwen's work. 也就是简体中文增强版啦~

Primary LanguageTeX

The Roots of Lisp 中文版

Shun Bai

An improved (simplified) Chinese translation of The Roots of Lisp by Paul Graham, derived from Dai Yuwen's work.

License and Copyright

As Paul said in General FAQ:

Can I put a translation into another language online?

Sure. Please include the url of the original, and send me the url of your translation so I can make a link to it.

And Yuwen said in Lisp:

我把The roots of Lisp翻译成了中文 。 本文的 版权属于原著者Paul Graham。 您还可以下载ps文档, dvi文档,或TeX源文档。 欢迎寄patch给我。

I've sent emails to inform Yuwen and Paul but get no response so far, so there won't be any license or copyright declarations by me.

Dai 同学的原译文已经有年头了,随着国内程序设计领域的发展,文中某些术语有了约定俗成的固定译法,行文中一些遣词造句亦有可商榷之处。在自己学习 Lisp 的伊始,和 Dai 同学(或许应该称前辈了吧!)一样,权且为了自己和水平类似的同学们翻译一回。若鄙人的中文译文能够帮到痛恨英文的同学更加准确而欢畅地领会 Lisp 的妙处,那真可谓善莫大焉~


如上文(英文部分)所说,我在译文的版权问题上不做任何关于自己的声明。无论如何,GitHub 会证明我所做的一切!