
This class is used to validation from server side This validation is easy


1.include that class using include function then open validation.php and give database informations eg:require_once("Validation.php"); 2.create object for that class in constructor eg:$this->Validation = new Validation; 3.class validater function whith request parameter and rules array eg: $Validation = $this->Validation->validater($this->_request, ["userEmail" => 'required|email|', "passWord" => 'required', "deviceid" => 'required' ]); 4.If function call return 0 means validation error is there eg: if($Validation == 0) { echo "error"; }

#Rules: 1.required - required parameter,must needed one 2.min - minimum length 3.max - maximum length - email only allowed 5.exists:tablename.fieldname - check value exist in database - check is integer or not 7.string - check is string or not 8.float - check is float or not 9.number - check is number or not 10.array - check is array or not