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私はShunDeveloperです. このサイトはstreamlitの勉強と快適な麻雀ライフの為に作成しました. 何かあればGithubでお聞きください.

  • 主な機能

    • 点数早見表
    • 点数計算クイズ
    • 点数早見表の可視化
  • 今後のアップデートで追加予定のもの

    • AIによる手配からの点数計算機能
  • Site:

  • Contact: GitHub

For Overseas friends

Hello! I'm ShunDeveloper. I made this site for learning streamlit and good mahjong life. if you have any question, you can ask me at Github


    • Table for calc mahjong win point
    • quiz majong win point
    • visualize mahjong win point table

    • calculater mahjong win point from hand
  • Site:

  • Contact: GitHub


Everyone can contribute with this repo. if you want to commit, create request to dev branch.

  • When pushing, GitHub Action try running test script.
  • make sure doing test on local and do command black pages/ test/ utils/ and isort pages/ test/ utils/.


  • 2022-10-09
    • added New mode for 点数計算テスト
    • changed some title for page
  • 2022-10-17
    • fix csv file for oya_ron.csv
  • 2022-10-19
    • fix csv file for ko_ron.csv
  • 2022-11-19
    • change app subdomain
    • change app documentation file
  • 2022-12-16
    • security update
    • refactoring
  • 2022-12-17
    • add testing with GitHub Actions
    • change csv file for future update: visualizing
    • visualize relationship between point and fu
  • 2023-01-28
    • security update
  • 2023-01-29
    • add type hint on
    • delete package which is not used in application
    • Add Linter