
Dockerized Rails app skelton

Primary LanguageRuby


This is a dockerized Rails6 application template.


  • Database: PostgreSQL
  • Test: Rspec
  • CI: Github Actions
  • Webpacker (Asset Pipeline/Sprockets is disabled)
  • OpenAPI
  • API schema test: committee-rails

How to use

Development build by docker-compose

$ make all

FYI: Development build without docker-compose

$ docker network create rails-network # Create a network of rails-network
$ docker build -t postgres docker/postgres/. # Buiid a postgres image.
$ docker run --name postgres --net rails-network -d --env-file ./docker/postgres/.env -v db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres # Run a postgres image with a specific network and env-file.
$ docker build --target development -t my-api . # Build a rails-app image of my-api.
$ docker run --rm --name rails_postgres --env-file .env --net rails-network -d -p 3000:3000 -v $(pwd):/opt/app my-api # Run a rails-app image with a specific network and env-file.

Health check

$ curl localhost:3000/api/_healthcheck

Production build

$ make image.build # build docker image for production.
$ make image.push # push to docker registry.

You can pull my image from docker hub.