Tested with Vagrant 1.5.2 and Ansible 1.5.4 on OSX 10.9.3
    NOTE: other OS to be tested and to be documented

Software Requiement:
    ansible vagrant (suppose virtualbox and ruby are installed)
    (for Mac OSX)
      #ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/go/install)" & brew install ansible
      #brew tap phinze/homebrew-cask
      #brew install brew-cask
      #brew cask install vagrant

Usage Instructions:
  # ./run.sh [physical | vagrant ]  [Debian | Redhat]

Production Usage:
  1. You first need to edit ./group_vars/all file to so that the variables reflect your production cluster design

Structure of the Software

/- Vagrantfile.debian (Vagratn file for Ubuntu)
 - Vagrantfile.redhat (Vagrant file for CentOS)
 - run.sh (run this script with 'debian' or 'redhat' for testing)
 - hosts_test (inventory file used under Vagrant testing environment)
 - hosts_vagrant.yml (Vagrantfile uses this inventory)
 - rc (source this file to load .ansible.cfg for testing;
       | DON'T do this on production)
 - .ansible.cfg (configuration for testing environment)
 - site.yml (main playbook)
