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This repository contains the data and scripts that's necessary to reproduce the results in paper "Evaluating Saliency Methods for Neural Language Models" published in NAACL 2021.

If you are only curious about the evaluation data we used, check out the data repository. The scripts used to prepare these data are in scripts/data-prep/prepare_{number,conll,winobias}.

If you need to reproduce our analysis, please follow the instructions below.


Check out this repository and the two submodules (awd-lstm-lm and fairseq).

cd into data/, download and unzip the Wikitext-103 dataset dataset. Both awd-lstm-lm and fairseq need that dataset to build dictionaries. This process is automatic for awd-lstm-lm but needs to be run separately for fairseq, so also provide the preprocessed wikitext-103 binary data dump for fairseq.

cd into models/ and follow the README to download finetuned models with number or gender prediction head.

Generate Saliency Output and Evaluate Plausibility

Follow the script in scripts/plausibility. Note that you need to run run_awd.sh for LSTM and QRNN models and run_fairseq for Transformer models.

Your output should be the following series of files:

out  out.malum  out.overall  out.passed.idx  out.pos.idx  out.verum
  • out.overall: shows the overall statistics of plausibility test. Those are the numbers we put in our tables for plausibility results.
  • out.pos.idx: a list of example indexes that fell into expected case in the paper (argmax prediction is the expected class).
  • out.passed.idx: a list of example indexes that passed the plausibility test.
  • out.verum: saliency output for the expected class prediction for all test examples.
  • out.malum: saliency output for the unexpected class prediction for all test examples.

Evaluate Faithfulness

The faithfulness evaluations will be based on the saliency outputs generated from the step above. To help understand how faithfulness scripts work, we provided example saliency outputs for the Transformer+SG configuration on synthetic data in scripts/faithfulness/example_gender and scripts/faithfulness/example_number, respectively.

Follow the script in scripts/faithfulness/{input-gender,input-number,model} to reproduce those numbers.


    title = "Evaluating Saliency Methods for Neural Language Models",
    author = "Ding, Shuoyang  and
      Koehn, Philipp",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies",
    month = jun,
    year = "2021",
    address = "Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2021.naacl-main.399",
    pages = "5034--5052",
    abstract = "Saliency methods are widely used to interpret neural network predictions, but different variants of saliency methods often disagree even on the interpretations of the same prediction made by the same model. In these cases, how do we identify when are these interpretations trustworthy enough to be used in analyses? To address this question, we conduct a comprehensive and quantitative evaluation of saliency methods on a fundamental category of NLP models: neural language models. We evaluate the quality of prediction interpretations from two perspectives that each represents a desirable property of these interpretations: plausibility and faithfulness. Our evaluation is conducted on four different datasets constructed from the existing human annotation of syntactic and semantic agreements, on both sentence-level and document-level. Through our evaluation, we identified various ways saliency methods could yield interpretations of low quality. We recommend that future work deploying such methods to neural language models should carefully validate their interpretations before drawing insights.",


Tarsius is a genus of tarsiers, small primates native to islands of Southeast Asia. They are known for their huge eyes that take up nearly their entire head, which gather and reflect any speck of light available and allow them to see in the dark.