
Small robot based on Pololu's Zumo chassis but programmable in CircuitPython

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Yozh Robot

Yozh is a small tracked robot programmable in CircuitPython. It was inspired by Pololu's Zumo, but has numerous improvements over it. It was created by shurik179 for a robotics class at SigmaCamp.

The project description and logs are posted on Hackaday: https://hackaday.io/project/193665-yozh-robot. Detailed user documentation is available at http://yozh.rtfd.io.


Version 4 is mostly finished, working on documentation and fine-tuning various PID controllers.

Structure of this repository

  • docs: documentation (used to produce docs at http://yozh.rtfd.io)
  • hardware: design files for the custom electronics boards, BOM, etc.
  • board_support_package: bootloader and packeg to have the secondary MCU supported in Arduino IDE. Only needed fro uploading the firmware - end users do not need this.
  • firmware: firmware for secondary MCU
  • circuitpython_library: Circuit Python user library


Ecept as noted below, all components (hardware, software, documentation) are copyright by Alexander Kirillov and are released under MIT license. See file LICENSE in this directory for full text of the license.

Circuit Python librabries included in circuitpython_library/lib are copyright by Adafruit, see https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_Bundle . They are released under MIT License.

Fonts included with Circuit Python library are released under SIL Open Font License. See LICENSE file in directory circuitpython_library/fonts