
Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Cosmos node tool scripts

Clone repository (with submodules)

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/shurinov/cosmos_scripts.git

or if you already cloned the project

git submodule init
git submodule update

Basic Usage

  1. Copy file cos_var_template.sh and rename to cos_var.sh
cd cosmos_scripts
cp template_cos_var.sh cos_var.sh
  1. Insert your's node parameters in cos_var.sh
nano cos_var.sh    #or another favorite text editor 

You should change Common variables and Node info section Daemon's ports settings in template are according to cosmos default values. Most likely you will not need to change them. 3. Change scripts permissions:

chmod +x *.sh 
  1. Add cosmos_scripts directory to PATH
echo export PATH='$PATH':$PWD >> $HOME/.bash_profile && . $HOME/.bash_profile
  1. Add to bash_profile load your COS_** variables to enviromet if it's need
echo . $PWD/cos_var.sh >> $HOME/.bash_profile && . $HOME/.bash_profile
  1. Install some utils
sudo apt update && sudo apt install curl jq -y
  1. Scripts ready to use

Setup Alerts

Edit Alerts variables if it need

nano cos_var.sh

Copy tg bot template and insert Bot token and chat id

cd scripts_stuff
cp template_tgbot_vars.sh tgbot_vars.sh
nano tgbot_vars.sh

Setup cron for run alert each 1 minute

crontab -e
*/1 * * * * $HOME/scripts/cos_alerts.sh