The following format for contributes are as follows:
Example: Get User By User Id
- variables.json
- query.sql
- output.json
Example of SQL File with Variables
SQL files can have variables in the query. When retrieving query file, ensure that you check the variables.json file first for any variables to inject into the query:
@app.route('/queries/<query_name>', methods=['GET'])
def query_by_name(query_name):
varibles = requests.get(RAW_VARS_URL.replace('{query_name}', query_name)).json()['variables']
query = requests.get(RAW_SQL_URL.replace('{query_name}', query_name)).text
# ensure that if there are vars, then inject them into the query
for key, value in varibles.items():
print(key, value)
query = query.replace('{' + key + '}', str(value))
return jsonify({
'query': query