
Hello, I am Shusan Adhikari currently studying Information Technology at Informatic College Pokhara affiliated under London Metropolitian University. I was never a brilliant student but I am working my way out and trying my best to learn everything I can. I really have nothing special to say about myself but I hope that changes very soon in future. Till then, grind goes on. ;)

About this Project

This is the Final Year Project of my college which is assigned to every students at the end of the third year. Every student are required to chose a topic on what they want to work on but I happen to copy the proposal from a random article I found in the Internet. To be honest, I really had no idea of what I chose but when I did, I had a regret but as always I had my friends to back me up. Now, I am really enjoying doing this project and I also hope that I can learn many things doing this project. I still have a long to go but this is the first project I am really doing although I am already at the final year of my college. Yeah, that's me. A lazy boner. But I hope to change this with this project. Wish me luck. This project is all about creating a suitable timetable for the users as per their current location and their destination location by analyzing the time required to complete the task. I know it's a mess but this is what I bought up to myself and there is nowhere I can run from it.