
Binary data storage for Delphi similar to TIniFile

Primary LanguagePascalMIT LicenseMIT

TDataFile for Delphi

This class works in a similar way to a standard TIniFile with many similar methods but more powerful for stored data in binary file. The class also supports basic xor encoding to scramble the binary file further.

Built-in data types are stored with the values and can be checked before reading them.

Any write operations are automatically saved to the opened file.

Supported data types

The following types are supported by TDataFile:

  • Streams (any TStream descendant)
  • Strings
  • Ansi Strings
  • String List (any TStrings descendant)
  • Booleans
  • 8-bit signed and unsigned integers
  • 16-bit signed and unsigned integers
  • 32-bit signed and unsigned integers
  • 64-bit signed and unsigned integers
  • Single and Double floats
  • Currency
  • Date Time
  • Font (name, style, size, etc)
  • Any data type (using ReadData() and WriteData())


The constructor creates a new instance of TDataFile.

constructor Create(const FileName: string; readonly: boolean = false);

Parameter FileName specifies the path and file name of the data file you open or create.
Parameter readonly specifies if the file is opened as readonly. In readonly mode the write functions will not do anything.

If you want to use the built-in encoding, set the CodeKey property after creating the class object.

var df: TDataFile;
df := TDataFile.Create('filename');
df.CodeKey := 'key used to encode data'; 

Available functions and procedures

Function Parameters Return type Information
GetSectionNames List: TStrings none Returns a list of the existing sections in the file
GetValueNames Section: string; List: TStrings none Returns a list of existing values in the specified section
GetValueNamesAndTypes Section: string; List: TStrings none Returns a list of existing values and their data types in the specified section. Use List.Names[] and List.Values[] for the data
GetValueType Section, Ident: string TDFType Returns the data type for the specified value
GetValueTypeAsString Section, Ident: string string Same as GetValueType but returns the data type as a string
SectionExists Section: string Boolean Check if the specified section exists
ValueExists Section, Ident: string Boolean Check if the value exists in the section
ReadData Section, Ident: string; pBuf: Pointer Integer Low level function to read any data stored to the specified pointer
ReadStream Section, Ident: string; Stream: TStream Integer Read a stream from the datafile
ReadANSIString Section, Ident: string; Default: ansistring ansistring Read an ANSI String from the datafile. If the identifier doesn't exist, returns the Default value
ReadString Section, Ident: string; Default: string string Read a unicode String from the datafile. If the identifier doesn't exist, returns the Default value
ReadInt8 Section, Ident: string; Default: Int8 Int8 Read a signed 8-bit integer
ReadInt16 Section, Ident: string; Default: Int16 Int16 Read a signed 16-bit integer
ReadUInt8 Section, Ident: string; Default: UInt8 UInt8 Read an unsigned 8-bit integer
ReadUInt16 Section, Ident: string; Default: UInt16 UInt16 Read an unsigned 16-bit integer
ReadInteger, ReadInt32 Section, Ident: string; Default: Integer Integer Read a signed 32-bit integer
ReadInt64 Section, Ident: string; Default: Int64 Int64 Read a signed 64-bit integer
ReadUInt32 Section, Ident: string; Default: UInt32 UInt32 Read an unsigned 32-bit integer
ReadUInt64 Section, Ident: string; Default: UInt64 UInt64 Read an unsigned 64-bit integer
ReadSingle Section, Ident: string; Default: Single Single Read a 32-bit float
ReadDouble Section, Ident: string; Default: Double Double Read a 64-bit float
ReadCurrency Section, Ident: string; Default: Currency Currency Read a currency value
ReadDateTime Section, Ident: string; Default: TDateTime TDateTime Read a datetime value
ReadBoolean Section, Ident: string; Default: Boolean Boolean Read a boolean value
ReadStrings Section, Ident: string; List: TStrings none Read a string list in the specified List
ReadFont Section, Ident: string; Font: TFont none Read font settings (name, style, size, etc) in the specified Font
WriteData Section, Ident: string; pBuf: Pointer; Count: Integer; DataType: TDFType = dfd_Unknown Integer Low level function to write any data stored to the specified pointer
WriteStream Section, Ident: string; Stream: TStream; DataType: TDFType = dfd_Stream Integer Write a stream from the datafile
WriteANSIString Section, Ident: string; Value: ansistring none Write an ANSI String from the datafile. If the identifier doesn't exist, returns the Default value
WriteString Section, Ident, Value: string none Write a unicode String from the datafile. If the identifier doesn't exist, returns the Default value
WriteInt8 Section, Ident: string; Value: Int8 none Write a signed 8-bit integer
WriteInt16 Section, Ident: string; Value: Int16 none Write a signed 16-bit integer
WriteUInt8 Section, Ident: string; Value: UInt8 none Write an unsigned 8-bit integer
WriteUInt16 Section, Ident: string; Value: UInt16 none Write an unsigned 16-bit integer
WriteInteger, WriteInt32 Section, Ident: string; Value: Integer none Write a signed 32-bit integer
WriteInt64 Section, Ident: string; Value: Int64 none Write a signed 64-bit integer
WriteUInt32 Section, Ident: string; Value: UInt32 none Write an unsigned 32-bit integer
WriteUInt64 Section, Ident: string; Value: UInt64 none Write an unsigned 64-bit integer
WriteSingle Section, Ident: string; Value: Single none Write a 32-bit float
WriteDouble Section, Ident: string; Value: Double none Write a 64-bit float
WriteCurrency Section, Ident: string; Value: Currency none Write a currecy value
WriteDateTime Section, Ident: string; Value: TDateTime none Write a datetime value
WriteBoolean Section, Ident: string; Value: Boolean none Write a boolean value
WriteStrings Section, Ident: string; List: TStrings none Write a string list in the specified List
WriteFont Section, Ident: string; Font: TFont none Write font settings (name, style, size, etc) in the specified Font
Rename OldSection, OldIdent, NewSection, NewIdent: string Boolean Rename an identifier
DeleteSection Section: string none Delete the specified section
Delete Section, Ident: string none Delete the specified identifier


TDataFile was designed to be used with Delphi XE and higher. It may work with older versions but it was not tested.
The included editor was created using Delphi Ryo and may not compile in older versions.


TDataFile was inspired by the original Degisy Software TDataFile.

DataFile Editor

DataFile Editor is an application to create, view and modify files created with TDataFile. The editor will add a META section with a key creation.date in files created with it, but can be safely deleted once you add your own sections and values.
The sections created with the editor will be presented as a tree, but the actual structure is flat, the actual section name stored is the full path shown in the upper part. The separator used when creating the tree is the slash character ("/").


The code and editor are both released under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.