
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Kaminari-core (PoC)

Kaminari Core is a smart contract chain created using Lisk SDK as a proof of concept.

It is using ewasm protocol.


  • Gas metering injection is not implemeted
  • Only saple command is implemented
  • Tx-pool and block will only look at payload size
  • Query is not possible now.

How to try executing the smart conract

  1. Prepare a node
npm install
  1. Run a node
./bin/run start -n devnet --api-ws --api-ws-port 8000 --console-log error
  1. Execute deploy script
node sample/deploy.js

The deployed contract information will be displayed on the console. Copy & replace the information in the execute script on top.

  1. Execute execute script
node sample/exec.js

Observe the result bytes is returning 0 and 1 alternatively everytime exec is called.

Try different script

make init
  • Update flopper.sol in the sol folder
make wasm.build
  • Deploy
  • Execute (execute command input must be updated based on the change)