Gin middleware for obtaining common Facebook profile information. I don't personally use all of the permission attributes but feel free to open an issue and I can take a look into it (or open a pull request).
import (
func main() {
opts, _ := oauth2.New(
oauth2.Client("ClientId", "YourSecretKey"),
oauth2.RedirectURL("Your redirect URL"),
oauth2.Scope("public_profile", "email"),
router := gin.Default()
auth := router.Group("/auth/facebook")
// setup the configuration and mount the "/login" route
GinPassportFacebook.Routes(opts, auth)
// setup a customized callback url...
auth.GET("/callback", GinPassportFacebook.Middleware(), func(c *gin.Context) {
user, err := GinPassportFacebook.GetProfile(c)
if user == nil || err != nil {
c.String(200, "Got it!")