
Implementations of some random tree generators

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Random tree generators

This repository contains implementations of some algorithms for generating a random tree on n vertices and comparison of these algorithms. All algorithms sample labeled trees from uniform distribution, that is, each tree appears with probability n^(-n+2).

I did that comparison when I was preparing for a reading group at CombGeo Lab, and I wanted to approximately compare relative performance of these algorithms. That said, I didn't put ultimate efforts in optimizations, and some ~10% improvements are still possible. I didn't intend this code to be reusable as well (anyway, all these algorithms are quite short and simple).


There are three types of algorithms: using Prüfer codes, using random mappings and using random walks.

Prüfer codes

These algorithms take a random Prüfer code from [n]^(n-2) and decode it to a tree. Decoding can be done using a straightforward algorithm with O(n log n) complexity or using any fast algorithm with O(n) complexity, e.g. [PS07] or [WWW09].

Random mappings

That algorithms takes a random mapping f: [n] -> [n] (or, equivalently, a directed graph with out-degree 1), and transforms it to a tree (such that each tree has exactly n^2 pre-images). That algorithm is described in [H20].

Random walks

These algorithms generate a random walk on a graph K_n and each time we visit a vertex for a first time, add corresponding edge to the tree [Bro89, Ald90]. It is easy to see that on average we need to do at least Omega(n log n) to visit all vertices. Still, with some tricks (like skipping steps inside of visited vertices) it is possible to implement that algorithm in a linear time.

There is also an elegant equivalent reformulation [Ald90, Algorithm 2], which gives the simplest and one of the fastest algorithms for tree generation.

Note that walk-based algorithms use twice as much entropy as previous algorithms.


To run benchmarks, run cargo bench. Below are results for n = 10^6 on my laptop:

  • sampling n values from {1, ..., n}: 9 ms
  • naive Prüfer decode: 93 ms
  • fast Prüfer decode [PS07]: 28 ms
  • fast Prüfer decode [WWW09]: 34 ms
  • random mapping [H20]: 61 ms
  • random walk [Bro89, Ald90]: 80 ms
  • random walk reformulated [Ald90, Algorithm 2]: 33 ms


[Ald90] D. J. Aldous, The random walk construction of uniform spanning trees and uniform labelled trees, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 3, no. 4, 450-465, 1990.

[Bro89] A. Broder, Generating random spanning trees, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (USA), SFCS'89, IEEE Computer Society, p. 442-447, 1989.

[H20] S. Heilman, Tree/Endofunction Bijections and Concentration Inequalities, preprint, arXiv:2006.06724, 2020.

[PS07] T. Paulden, and D. K. Smith, Developing new locality results for the Prüfer Code using a remarkable linear-time decoding algorithm, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, R55-R55, 2007.

[WWW09] X. Wang, L. Wang, and Y. Wu, An Optimal Algorithm for Prufer Codes. JSEA, 2(2), 111-115, 2009.