URL Shortening Service

Problem Statement

You have been asked to implement a URL shortening service, along the lines of something like tinyurl.com or bit.ly. Your service needs to be able to both take long URLs as input and shorten them, as well as being able to inflate a shortened URL to its original form.

Live Demo

This demo is hosted at AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Url: http://shorturlnintx.us-east-1.elasticbeanstalk.com

Login Credentials

Username Passowrd
admin admin

Deploy Locally

  1. Download and install Docker https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Run docker-compose up
  4. Browser at http://localhost:8000

Technologies Are Used

  • Asp.net Core 2.2
  • Entity Framework Core
  • SQL Server
  • Angular 8
  • Nunit

Project Architecture

I use Onion Architecture here. alt text

Design Patterns are used

  • MVC
  • Repository patterns
  • Façade

Run Unit Tests

  1. Go to Test > Windows > Test Explorer from Visual Studio main menu.
  2. Click on run all Test

Documantation & Tools:

  1. Visual Studio 2019
  2. Swagger for API documentation (http://localhost:8000/docs/swagger)
  3. app-metrics for server metrics (http://localhost:8000/ metrics)
  4. Nlog for logging
  5. Docker