Ruby Rails Postgres

In this system, user can upload videos and see other user contents.

Run the Project in Development

First we need to setup Rails environment in our system. If you have already setup rails environment, please move to the next section.

Steps to setup Rails environment:

  1. Install Ruby
  2. Install Ruby Package Manager ( rbenv (preferred) / rvm )
  3. Install Bundler
  4. Setup PostgreSQL Database
  5. Setup Git

Details guide to setup rails environment can be found here:

Clone the Project

git clone

Switch to the ELEARNING branch

git checkout ELEARNING

After that, run the following commands from project root directory to get up and running.

Commands to run rails project locally

  1. bundle install
  2. rails db:create
  3. rails db:migrate
  4. rails db:seed
  5. rails server

🌟 You are all set!

Visit: http://localhost:3000/

Login with Credentials

password: secret

Commonly Used Rails Commands

  • Create New Rails App: rails new myapp -d postgresql
  • Create Database: rails db:create
  • Run Migration: rails db:migrate
  • Seed Database: rails db:seed
  • Run Server: rails server
  • Run Server With Port: rails server --port <portNumber>
  • See Rails Routes: rails routes
  • Rails Console: rails c
  • Drop Database: rails db:drop
  • Reset Database: rails db:reset
  • Load Structure SQL: rails db:structure:load
  • Rollback Last Migration: rails db:rollback
  • Run RSpec: rspec spec
  • Reset Seed: rails db:seed:replant
  • Rails Database Console: rails dbconsole

Over view of the APP:
