
beGateway ruby client

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


TODO: Write a gem description


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'be_gateway'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install be_gateway


Intialization client

client = BeGateway::Client.new({
  shop_id: 'YOUR SHOP ID',
  secret_key: 'YOUR SHOP SECRET KEY',

Availibale actions:

  • authorization
  • authorize (DEPRECATED)
  • capture
  • void
  • payment
  • refund
  • credit
  • checkup
  • tokenization
  • payout
  • fraud_advice
  • p2p
  • verify_p2p

Pay attention that client add main 'request' section automatically, and you don't need to describe it

Transaction Authorization example

response = client.authorization({
  amount: 100,
  currency: 'USD',
  description: 'Test transaction',
  tracking_id: 'tracking_id_000',
  billing_address: {
    first_name: 'John',
    last_name: 'Doe',
    country: 'US',
    city: 'Denver',
    state: 'CO',
    zip: '96002',
    address: '1st Street'

  credit_card: {
    number: '4200000000000000',
    verification_value: '123',
    holder: 'John Doe',
    exp_month: '05',
    exp_year: '2020',

  customer: {
    ip: '',
    email: 'john@example.com'

response.transaction.id # => returns id of processed transaciton
response.transaction.status # => returns status of processed transaciton


Transaction Payment

response = client.payment(params)

Where params have same structure as Authorization

Transaction Checkup

This transaction allow you to check transaction via beProtected system.

response = client.checkup(params)

Where params have same structure as Authorization

Transaction Refund example

response = client.refund({
  parent_uid:  'UID of original Payment or Capture transactions',
  amount:      'Amount of refund',
  reason:      'Reason of refund. Ex "Client request"'

response.transaction.uid    # => returns uid of processed transaciton
response.transaction.status # => returns status of processed transaciton

Transaction Capture/Void

response = client.capture(params)
response = client.void(params)

Where params have same structure as Refund

Transaction Credit example

response = client.credit({
  amount: 100,
  currency: "USD",
  description: "Test transaction",
  tracking_id: "tracking_id_000",
  credit_card: {
    token: "Token from successful Payment/Authorization transaction"

response.transaction.uid    # => returns uid of processed transaciton
response.transaction.status # => returns status of processed transaciton

Query Request example

response = client.query(id: transaction_id)

# or you can get transaction by tracking_id

response = client.query(tracking_id: 'your tracking id')

response.transaction.id # => returns id of processed transaciton
response.transaction.status # => returns status of processed transaciton

Verify P2p

response = client.verify_p2p({
  amount: 100,
  currency: "USD",
  tracking_id: "tracking_id_000",
  credit_card: {
    number: "4012001037141112"
  recipient_card: {
    number: "4200000000000000"
  test: true

response.successful?  # => returns true or false
response.error?       # => returns true or false
response.message      # => returns response message
response.required_fields # => returns array of additional required fields for credit_card and recipient_card
response.required_fields["credit_card"]    # => returns required fields for credit_card
response.required_fields["recipient_card"] # => returns required fields for recipient_card. For example: ["holder"]
response.commission  # => returns commission. Example: { "minimum" => 0.7, "percent" => 1.5, "currency":"USD" }
response.commission["minimum"] # => 0.7
response.error_code   # => returns error code or nil
response.errors       # => returns array of errors fields or nil
response.errors["amount"] # => ["must be an integer"]
response.errors["recipient_card"]  # => { "number" => ["is not a card number"] }


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request