
(c) 2010-current GNU GPL v3

Author: Nathan Overall

Movienamer does exactly as it's name implies. Given the name of any movie file, Movienamer will try to find the most likely movie and rename the file.


At this point the program is very much interactive. Below is an example of the program running.

Loaded blacklist: 720p,1080p,bluray,x264,dvdrip,LiMiTED,HDRip,unrated,brrip,XviD,bdrip,eng,extended
Loaded cache file: /home/nathan/.movienamer/searches.cache

Processing The.Raid.Redemption.2011.BDRip.XviD-MeRCuRY.avi...
Searching for "the raid redemption" with year 2011
Using cached result
	1 - The Raid: Redemption (2011)
	Result?: 1
	Renaming 'The.Raid.Redemption.2011.BDRip.XviD-MeRCuRY.avi' -> 'The Raid, Redemption (2011).avi'


Download Movienamer

MovieNamer requires Python to run. Installing python is very platform specific, therefore you will need to check your platforms documenation for instructions on installing python.

Movienamer also uses PyYAML and themoviedb libraries.

The easiest way to install the libraries is using pip

   pip install PyYAML
   pip install themoviedb

Then run

./movienamer2 --help