
This is a read-only archive of glusto-tests from Gerrit

Primary LanguagePython

Glusto Tests

glusto-tests repo contains automated testcases for testing gluster software. It provides the Libraries/Modules necessary for automating the gluster tests. Latest Code for this repo is managed on review.gluster.org

The Libraries/Modules/Tests in glusto-tests are written using the glusto framework. TestCases in glusto-tests can we written/run using standard PyUnit, PyTest or Nose methodologies as supported by glusto framework.

Refer the glusto-doc for info on glusto framework. Issues need to be filled against the Github repo.

To automate/run glusto-tests we need to install the following packages:

  • glusto
  • glustolibs-gluster
  • glustolibs-io
  • glustolibs-misc
  • gdeploy

How to install glusto:

One can use either of the two methods.

  • using pip

    # pip install --upgrade git+git://github.com/loadtheaccumulator/glusto.git
  • using git

    # git clone https://github.com/loadtheaccumulator/glusto.git
    # cd glusto
    # python setup.py install

For more info refer the docs.

How to install the glustolibs-gluster, glustolibs-io and glustolibs-misc libraries:

# git clone http://review.gluster.org/glusto-tests
# cd glusto-tests/glustolibs-gluster
# python setup.py install
# cd ../../glusto-tests/glustolibs-io
# python setup.py install
# cd ../../glusto-tests/glustolibs-misc
# python setup.py install

How to install gdeploy:

  • Install latest version of gdeploy from the following link.

To install glusto-tests dependencies:

python-docx needs to be installed when we run IO's and validates on client node.

To install run : # curl "https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py" -o "get-pip.py" # python get-pip.py # pip install --pre python-docx

How to run the test case:

  • Create config file containing info about the servers, clients, for example refer config, this config file is enough to run all test cases. But if you need to override the default values of volumes, mount.. etc which is passed in gluster_base_class, can be passed in config fileconfig. Refer the following for more info link.

  • glusto-tests are run using the glusto command available after installing the glusto framework. The various options to run tests as provided by glusto framework:

    To run PyUnit tests: # glusto -c 'config.yml' -d 'tests' # glusto -c 'config.yml unittest_list.yml' -u

    To run PyTest tests: # glusto -c 'config.yml' --pytest='-v -x tests -m bvt'

    To run Nose tests: # glusto -c 'config.yml' --nosetests='-v -w tests'

    For more info about running these tests, refer the docs.

  • To know how to run glusto-tests from the scratch including creating OS, server, etc.. refer link

Writing tests in glusto-tests:

tests directory in glusto-tests contains testcases. One might want to create a dir with feature name as the name of test directory under tests to add new testcases. Testcases name should start withtest_

TestCases in glusto-tests can we written using standard PyUnit, PyTest or Nose methodologies as supported by glusto framework.

One can follow the PyUnit docs to write PyUnit tests, or PyTest docs to write PyTest tests, or Nose docs to write Nose tests.

For more info how to write testcases developing-guide


Log file name and Log level can be passed as argument to glusto command while running the glusto-tests. For example:

# glusto -c 'config.yml' -l /tmp/glustotests_bvt.log --log-level DEBUG --pytest='-v -x tests -m bvt'

One can configure log files, log levels in the testcases as well. For details on how to use glusto framework for configuring logs in tests Refer the following docs.

Default log location is: /tmp/glustomain.log

Note: When using glusto via the Python Interactive Interpreter, the default log location is /tmp/glusto.log.