
An extremely simple self-hosted http paste-bin with syntax highlighting using Ruby Rouge.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


An extremely simple self-hosted http paste-bin with syntax highlighting using Ruby Rouge.



$ echo "my-secret-key" > ~/.geist-keys
$ geist.rb -p 8080 2> /dev/null &
$ curl -F "data=@./foo.txt" -H "GeistApiKey: my-secret-key" localhost:8080


With Ruby and the Ruby Bundler installed, geist.rb can be installed as follows using the provided Makefile:

# make install

Provided, Ruby Rouge and WEBrick are installed method and geist.rb can be run as-is without any further special configuration.


geist.rb supports a handful of useful command line options.

$ geist.rb --help
Usage: geist.rb [options]
    -h, --help                       Display this help.
    -l, --limit-size N               Limit upload size to N bytes.
    -k, --keys PATH                  Path to secret keys file.
    -f, --file-store PATH            Path to file store dir.
    -p, --port PORT                  Port upon which to run.

For HTTPS, grab an SSL certificate from certbot if you don't already have one and use a reverse proxy such as nginx. Here is an example nginx server block that forwards all incoming http traffic to https and all incoming https traffic to geist.rb, running on port 8080. A firewall such as UFW can/should be used to block outside access to port 8080, if desired. (See also sample-nginx.conf).

server {
    # Replace foo.bar with the name of the actual server.
    server_name foo.bar;

    listen [::]:443 ssl;
    listen 443 ssl;

    # Replace these paths with actual keys.
    ssl_certificate /tmp/localhost.crt;
    ssl_certificate_key /tmp/localhost.key;

    location / {
        proxy_set_header Host $host;

server {
    # Replace foo.bar with the name of the actual server.
    server_name foo.bar;

    listen 80;
    listen [::]:80;

    return 301 https://$host$request_uri;

To ensure that geist.rb runs on system boot, it may be convenient to create a simple systemd unit file. Here is an example of such a file. (See also sample-systemd.service).

Description=Sample geist.rb unit file.

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/geist.rb -f /var/www/paste -k /etc/geist-keys


To conveniently use from Vim, ensure you have cURL installed and drop the following lines into your .vimrc where appropriate:

let g:geist_key_cmd = 'echo my-super-secret-key'
let g:geist_server = 'http://my.awesome.geist.sever:8080'

function! s:Geist()
    let bn = bufname('%')
    let key = systemlist(g:geist_key_cmd)[0]
    let cmd = 'curl --silent -F "data=@' . bn . '" -H "GeistApiKey: ' . key
    let cmd = cmd . '" ' . g:geist_server
    echo systemlist(cmd)[0]

com! Geist call s:Geist()

With that in place, :Geist will upload a paste of the current buffer and a link to that paste will be displayed. Update g:geist_key_cmd to a command that when executed will echo your secret key on the first line of output (ideally this would be an invocation of pass or something along those lines) and g:geist_server to the address of your server.


C source:

A screenshot of hosted and highlighted C source code.

Ruby source:

A screenshot of hosted and highlighted Ruby source code.

TCL source:

A screenshot of hosted and highlighted TCL source code.


geist.rb is the work of Shawn M. Chapla and is released under the MIT license. For more details, see the LICENSE file.