Data Structures and Algorithms with Kotlin

This repository contains a collection of programming exercises and solutions focusing on various fundamental concepts of programming, data structures, and algorithms implemented in Kotlin. The exercises are categorized into different levels and topics to help learners gradually build their skills.


Basic Programming Level 1


  • Flowcharts and pseudo code
  • Condition and loop
  • Number system: Binary and Decimal


  1. Multiple two numbers
  2. Find perimeter of a Triangle
  3. Find simple interest
  4. Print counting from 1 to N
  5. Find factorial of Number
  6. Check a Number is a prime or not
  7. Check given Triangle is valid or not
  8. Print only event number from 1 to N
  9. Print maximum of 3 numbers
  10. Solid square pattern
  11. Hollow square pattern
  12. Hollow inverted half pyramid
  13. Hollow full pyramid

Basic Programming Level 2


  • Pattern Class 2
  • Bitwise Operator and Loops
  • Type Casting
  • Functions


  1. Display area of Circle
  2. Factorial of Number
  3. All Prime number 1 to N
  4. Print all digit of a integer
  5. Returns a number using digit
  6. Binary representation of a number
  7. KM to Miles
  8. Convert Temperature
  9. Count all set bits
  10. Check number is Even/ODD using bitwise

Array, Time Complexity & Space Complexity


  • Array Level 1
  • Time Complexity & Space Complexity
  • Array Level 2


  1. Sort colors
  2. Move all negative numbers to the left side of an array
  3. Find duplicate number
  4. Missing elements from an array with duplicates
  5. Find first repeating element
  6. Common elements in 3 shorted array
  7. Wave print a Matrix
  8. Spiral print a Matrix
  9. Factorial of a Large number

Searching and Sorting


  • Binary Search Logic and code
  • Find the first occurrence of a number in a sorted array
  • Find the last occurrence of a number in a sorted array
  • Find the total occurrence of a number in a sorted array
  • Find missing element in a sorted array
  • Peak element in a mountain array: LeetCode
  • Pind Pivot element


This repository serves as a learning resource for individuals interested in improving their programming skills, particularly in Kotlin, by practicing fundamental concepts and solving various programming challenges. Each section contains a set of topics along with corresponding programming exercises aimed at reinforcing understanding and proficiency in those areas.

Feel free to explore the exercises, attempt the questions, and review the solutions provided. Contributions, suggestions, and feedback are always welcome!