PHP CloudflareProject Library

The PHP cloudflare library will used to create the following using cloudflare API :

  1. To create github repository.
  2. To push static site project on github repositories.
  3. To create a cloudflare static page project on cloudflare account.
  4. To deploy cloudflare static pages projects .
  5. To add domains on cloudflare accounts.
  6. To analyze the all function of zones/domains.

Requirements :

  • PHP 7.2 or newer

Installation :

  1. source code : git clone
  2. update composer to install all dependency and library.
  3. command : composer update

Create .env file :

Create .env file on project root directory.

 githubOwner = ownerName
 gitAuthKey  = 
 path        = PathToStaticSite
 repoName    = alpha
 repoBranch  = master
 gitComment  = comments
 accountId   = 
 xAuthEmail  =
 xAuthKey    = 
 projectName = xyz
 domain      =
 zoneId      = 
 date_gt = 2022-01-04
 date_lt = 2022-01-21

Store git credential on local computer :

1. store credentials to Git Credential Storage fallow the given link:

Example :


use DevCoder\DotEnv;
require_once __DIR__ . '/envClass.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/cloudflareApiClass.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/githubApiClass.php';
(new DotEnv(__DIR__ . '/.env'))->load();

$githubOwner = getenv('githubOwner');
$gitAuthKey = getenv('gitAuthKey');
$path = getenv('path');
$repoName = getenv('repoName');
$repoBranch = getenv('repoBranch');
$gitComment = getenv('gitComment');
$accountId = getenv('accountId');
$xAuthEmail = getenv('xAuthEmail');
$xAuthKey = getenv('xAuthKey');
$projectName = getenv('projectName');
$domain = getenv('domain');
$zoneId = getenv('zoneId');
$date_gt = getenv('date_gt');
$date_lt = getenv('date_lt');

$gh = new Github($githubOwner, $gitAuthKey, $repoName, $repoBranch, $gitComment);
$cf = new CloudFlare($githubOwner, $gitAuthKey, $repoName, $repoBranch, $gitComment, $xAuthEmail, $xAuthKey, $domain, $accountId, $projectName);
$cf->zoneAnalytics($zoneId, $limit, $date_gt, $date_lt);
