Pinned Repositories
This repository contains a collection of Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) problems solved using the C++ programming language. These problems are intended for daily practice to improve the understanding of DSA concepts and strengthen the problem-solving skills.
This was First Task given to me, which i cleared and moved to next round of the interview , took me 5hrs to do the whole task.
Evento is a web application built with the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) for browsing, creating, and managing events. It features user authentication, event creation, image uploading via Cloudinary, responsive design with TailwindCSS, and secure data validation using Zod.
This project is a student exam hall management system built using Python programming language with a graphical user interface (GUI). The purpose of this project is to efficiently manage and organize student information for exam halls.
This PHP and SQL-based fitness management system helps gyms manage users and memberships. It allows for user profile creation and tracking, membership management with subscriptions, class scheduling and attendance, and offers optional features like progress tracking, payment processing, and reporting for improved efficiency, user experience.
MoodMovie is a movie recommendation website built with React.js and designed using Sass. It provides users with a curated list of popular and trending movies and TV shows, helping them discover new content based on their mood.
SaveIT - Application Tracker is a FREE, NO LOGIN Chrome extension designed to help you manage multiple applications effortlessly, whether for university, internships, jobs, or any other opportunities. Say goodbye to tedious spreadsheets and scattered notes.
This is a personal portfolio website showcasing the work and skills of a front-end developer and student. The portfolio is built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap, providing an interactive and visually appealing user experience.
This project is a vision-based accident detection system that utilizes the YOLOv8 model for accident detection. The system triggers an alarm sound when an accident is detected. The model has been trained on thousands of images and videos to accurately identify accidents.
WeChat is a real-time chat app built using the MERN stack with for instant messaging, TailwindCSS for responsive design, and Cloudinary for image storage.
shyamg090's Repositories
This project is a student exam hall management system built using Python programming language with a graphical user interface (GUI). The purpose of this project is to efficiently manage and organize student information for exam halls.
This project is a vision-based accident detection system that utilizes the YOLOv8 model for accident detection. The system triggers an alarm sound when an accident is detected. The model has been trained on thousands of images and videos to accurately identify accidents.
This repository contains a collection of Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) problems solved using the C++ programming language. These problems are intended for daily practice to improve the understanding of DSA concepts and strengthen the problem-solving skills.
This PHP and SQL-based fitness management system helps gyms manage users and memberships. It allows for user profile creation and tracking, membership management with subscriptions, class scheduling and attendance, and offers optional features like progress tracking, payment processing, and reporting for improved efficiency, user experience.
In this repository, I have uploaded PDF of mathematics that are required for data science which include linear algebra, statistics, differential calculus. You can either learn some PDF for that particular day or go to the final PDF to get everything needed.
MoodMovie is a movie recommendation website built with React.js and designed using Sass. It provides users with a curated list of popular and trending movies and TV shows, helping them discover new content based on their mood.
The Pokedex project is a web application built using React JS, the PokeAPI, and pure CSS. It provides users with information about various Pokémon, including their names, IDs, and photos. With a collection of over 1000 Pokémon, this project offers an extensive resource for Pokémon enthusiasts and gamers.
SaveIT - Application Tracker is a FREE, NO LOGIN Chrome extension designed to help you manage multiple applications effortlessly, whether for university, internships, jobs, or any other opportunities. Say goodbye to tedious spreadsheets and scattered notes.
This is a personal portfolio website showcasing the work and skills of a front-end developer and student. The portfolio is built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap, providing an interactive and visually appealing user experience.
This is a Todo-List project built using ReactJS and pure CSS. The project allows users to create, manage, and track their tasks in a simple and intuitive interface.
This was First Task given to me, which i cleared and moved to next round of the interview , took me 5hrs to do the whole task.
Evento is a web application built with the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) for browsing, creating, and managing events. It features user authentication, event creation, image uploading via Cloudinary, responsive design with TailwindCSS, and secure data validation using Zod.
This repository contains the code for a personal portfolio website built using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack with Next.js, a popular React.js framework for server-rendered React applications.
WeChat is a real-time chat app built using the MERN stack with for instant messaging, TailwindCSS for responsive design, and Cloudinary for image storage.
Connect to your audience with a single link. Showcase the content you create and your projects in one place. Make it easier for people to find, follow and subscribe.
This repository comprises data structures and algorithms then using python is contains basic to advance concepts of data structures and algorithms.
This is a dummy posts website (for Practice) built using React, Redux, TailwindCSS, to practice concepts of routing, filtering, shimmer ui, redux, custom hooks, GSAP and much more
🔭 I’m currently working as a SDE Intern. 🚀 Tech stack - React, GSAP, TailwinCSS, Figma and NodeJS, MongoDB, Express some basic devops 🌱 Switching From DSA in C++ to DSA in Python.
This simple shopping contains basic CRUD operations built using MongoDB, Express, Node.js. this uses MVC architecture and showcases simple car functionality of e-commerce website.
Token Generator Assignment - React.js and Material UI - Assignment by Nuchange Infotech - qualified to 2nd Round 😎