
This repo contains analysis code used in the paper Mind Your MANRS: Measuring the MANRS Ecosystem from IMC 2022. The analysis code provides certain details that were not in the paper.

MANRS - Mutually Agreed Norms on Routing Security

The Jupyter notebooks can be used to check the conformance of MANRS networks if you provide the most recent data files.


Jupyter notebook is required to run the notebooks. In addition, the notebooks are organized using the Table of Contents(2) feature in package nbextensions. The installation guide for nbextensions is in its documentation.

Running the notebooks

The revelant notebooks to the paper are:

The notebooks are runnable as-is in the repository directory with provided data files. A list of MANRS networks that are not conformant to the corresponding actions will appear at the end of the notebooks. If you are using the Table of Contents(2) extensions, the revelant sections are highlighted.

To look at the most recent conformance levels of MANRS networks, you can run the notebooks on more recent data. There are cell blocks with input file paths that can be replaced. They are marked with #replace with new file.


The datasets used in the paper can be downloaded from sources below:

More detailed instructions and explanations can be found in the notebooks.